What the Faith, Episode 42: Filet-O-Lent. Lindsay and Gerry get back behind the Mics to discuss the Feast of the Annunciation and Pope Francis’ call to have ‘hearts like Mary’. Are you experiencing …More
What the Faith, Episode 42: Filet-O-Lent.
Lindsay and Gerry get back behind the Mics to discuss the Feast of the Annunciation and Pope Francis’ call to have ‘hearts like Mary’. Are you experiencing a mid-Lent slump? Have no fear, listen to their reflection on Ruth Baker’s 6 Tips to Get you Through the Mid-Lent Slump. Lindsay and Gerry are also lovin’ the Catholic origins of the Filet-O-Fish burger.
Don’t forget to share What the Faith on social media and leave some positive feedback for us on iTunes
Episode 42: Lenten Letters, Sciency Priests and Furry Friars. What the Faith is back for 2017! In this episode Lindsay and Gerry return to talk about Pope Francis’ 2017 Lenten Letter , reflections on …More
Episode 42: Lenten Letters, Sciency Priests and Furry Friars.
What the Faith is back for 2017! In this episode Lindsay and Gerry return to talk about Pope Francis’ 2017 Lenten Letter , reflections on Pope Francis’ 4th anniversary as Pope, a Yale Neuroscientist who is studying to become a priest (and is not alone in sciency priests) and ‘Friar Moustache’, a dog who has been adopted by some Franciscan friars.
Don’t forget to share What the Faith on social media and leave some positive feedback for us in iTunes
What the Faith, Episode 40: Christmas and Rebellions are Built on Hope. Welcome to Episode 40, our last episode in 2016. Lindsay and Gerry team up to review Star Wars Rogue One with lots of spoilers …More
What the Faith, Episode 40: Christmas and Rebellions are Built on Hope.
Welcome to Episode 40, our last episode in 2016. Lindsay and Gerry team up to review Star Wars Rogue One with lots of spoilers (2.35 – 23.15 to skip spoilers). Lindsay does a 10 Minute Theology on Christmas and gives some last minute tis for preparing for Christmas. Lindsay and Gerry discuss classic Christmas movies and the crazy notion that Jesus was a garlic farmer in Japan!
We wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and look forward to sharing more podcasts with you early in 2017.
Don’t forget to leave feedback for us on iTunes and share us on social media
Get in touch with us through our Contact Us page.
What the Faith - Episode 39: Ready, Set, Advent! Welcome to Episode 39, Caroline is here, Lindsay is here, Gerry is here! This fully loaded podcast features discussion about the XT3 Advent app, tips …More
What the Faith - Episode 39: Ready, Set, Advent!
Welcome to Episode 39, Caroline is here, Lindsay is here, Gerry is here! This fully loaded podcast features discussion about the XT3 Advent app, tips for your kids to make the most of the Advent season, the US election and the ‘poison of polarisation’, the science behind the Star of Bethlehem and hipster Nativity sets. Subscribe to What the Faith on iTunes or find out more about us at :)
What the Faith Episode 26 Laudato si' Hi all, in this episode of our Catholic podcast - What the Faith - we discuss Pope Francis' latest encyclical, Laudato si. Listen here or on our website at: More
What the Faith Episode 26 Laudato si'
Hi all, in this episode of our Catholic podcast - What the Faith - we discuss Pope Francis' latest encyclical, Laudato si. Listen here or on our website at:…/episode-26-laud…
God Bless :)
What the Faith Episode 25: Hope is Better than Charlie. Lindsay and Gerry are behind the microphones for Episode 25 of What the Faith. After briefly recapping the last few weeks, the episode opened …More
What the Faith Episode 25: Hope is Better than Charlie.
Lindsay and Gerry are behind the microphones for Episode 25 of What the Faith. After briefly recapping the last few weeks, the episode opened with Lindsay’s interview with Stephen Kirk following Flamefest, a rally held a few weeks ago. Caroline joined in via Skype to talk about the New Horizon NASA flight past Pluto, and the extra second of time we gain at the end of the month. There is a review of a recent article from the Victorian newspaper The Age about swelling numbers in Victorian seminaries, plus a discussion about the internet craze of The Charlie, Charlie challenge. Finally the boys try to make some sense of a revelation from Pope Francis that he stopped watching TV almost 25 years ago.
What the Faith: Episode 24 - The Moon is made of Cheese. Hi everyone, Happy Easter! Our Aussie Catholic podcast, 'What the Faith', has just published our 24th episode - 'The Moon is Made of Cheese' -…More
What the Faith: Episode 24 - The Moon is made of Cheese.
Hi everyone,
Happy Easter! Our Aussie Catholic podcast, 'What the Faith', has just published our 24th episode - 'The Moon is Made of Cheese' - we discuss the news of some recent arson attacks on 4 Catholics Churches here in Melbourne, the science behind blood moons and eclipses, Pope Francis' general audience on Children and Pacman invading the Vatican on April 1st. All this and more below:…/episode-24-the-…
Listen and leave us some feedback, God Bless
What the Faith, Episode 23 - Blessed are the Merciful. Lindsay & Gerry are on the mikes for episode 23, unfortunately missing Caroline this episode to sniffly children duties. Following up on last …More
What the Faith, Episode 23 - Blessed are the Merciful.
Lindsay & Gerry are on the mikes for episode 23, unfortunately missing Caroline this episode to sniffly children duties. Following up on last episode’s General Audience on the elderly, the ‘sequel’ focussed on the roles that older generations play, especially in their roles as grandparents. The boys recall their own experiences of their grandparents from both childhood and today. They also discuss Pope Francis’ recently issued extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy commencing at the end of the year, as well as his travel to Naples where a saint’s relic of dried blood turned to liquid in his presence. The episode finished with some software plugs for Stations of the Cross (issued by the Archdiocese of Denver) and the user-friendly Neubible app.
👍 🤗
What the Faith, Episode 21: Fr Robert Galea and Encountering Jesus at Lent. Hi everyone, our latest venture into Catholic podcasting includes an interview with Fr Robert Galea, a Catholic priest and …More
What the Faith, Episode 21: Fr Robert Galea and Encountering Jesus at Lent.
Hi everyone,
our latest venture into Catholic podcasting includes an interview with Fr Robert Galea, a Catholic priest and musician who shares his insights into his priesthood, evangelising young people and his music ministry. We also discuss Pope Francis' Lenten message and a few other items.
You can subscribe on iTunes or listen here on our website.
😌 Thank you, Lindsay... 👍 ✍️ text of Pope Francis’ Lenten Message: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR LENT 2015 “Make your hearts firm” (…More
😌 Thank you, Lindsay... 👍 ✍️ text of Pope Francis’ Lenten Message:
“Make your hearts firm”
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each communities and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in his heart. He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us out whenever we turn away from him. He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to be indifferent to what happens to us. Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we forget about others (something God the Father never does): we are unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings and the injustices they endure … Our heart grows cold. As long as I am relatively healthy and comfortable, I don’t think about those less …More
What the Faith: Episode 20 - Hobbits, Rabbits and Planets. In our latest episode, we review The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, discuss Pope Francis' comments on responsible parenthood and explore …More
What the Faith: Episode 20 - Hobbits, Rabbits and Planets.
In our latest episode, we review The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, discuss Pope Francis' comments on responsible parenthood and explore the notion that science is increasingly making the case for the existence of God.
Our show notes and a direct download link for this episode can be found here:…/episode-20-hobb…
Find us at:
Twitter: @whatthefaith Email: Thanks for listening and God Bless :)

swein: no disagreement between two popes on Communion for remarried

Archbishop Gänswein: no disagreement between two popes on Communion for remarried by Madeleine Teahan posted Thursday, 22 Jan 2015 Archbishop Ganswein with Pope Francis (Photo: CNS) Prefect of the …More
Archbishop Gänswein: no disagreement between two popes on Communion for remarried
by Madeleine Teahan
posted Thursday, 22 Jan 2015
Archbishop Ganswein with Pope Francis (Photo: CNS)
Prefect of the papal household gives candid interview about Pope Francis and Benedict XVI
Archbishop George Gänswein, the prefect of the papal household and personal secretary to the pope emeritus, has said there is no disagreement between Benedict XVI and Pope Francis on the question of communion for the divorced and remarried.
In an interview with the German magazine supplement, Christ & Welt, translated by the In Caelo et in Terra blog, Archbishop Gänswein said the notion that there was opposition between the two popes on the subject was “artificial”.
He said: “I do not share that impression. It creates an artificial opposition which does not exist. The Pope is the first guarantor and keeper of the doctrine of the Church and at the same the first shepherd, the first pastor. Doctrine and pastoral care …More
What the Faith, Episode 19: The Year of Consecrated Life. In this episode, Lindsay and Gerry and joined by Sister Miriam. They discuss The Asian Cup Soccer Tournament, The Year of Consecrated Life, …More
What the Faith, Episode 19: The Year of Consecrated Life.
In this episode, Lindsay and Gerry and joined by Sister Miriam. They discuss The Asian Cup Soccer Tournament, The Year of Consecrated Life, raising young children in the Catholic faith and ‘The Pope’s Raffle.’
Check out our show notes and links here:…/episode-19-the-…

Team Bergolio cleared up by Austen Ivereigh

Controversy over the conclave Regarding the conclave, Father Brennan is right to highlight the discrepancy between my account and the statement of Father Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, and I am …More
Controversy over the conclave
Regarding the conclave, Father Brennan is right to highlight the discrepancy between my account and the statement of Father Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, and I am grateful for this opportunity for further clarification.
While I did interview my old boss, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, for the book, I relied on a number of different accounts, some of which were off the record, as well as stitching together anecdotes from different places, which is standard practice for journalistic reconstructions of papal elections. The quotes I use from Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor are ones he has given in different interviews.
I made two mistakes in the phrasing of my account. One was to give the impression that the group of cardinals seeking Bergoglio's election in some way secured his agreement before the conclave, which they never did; I meant only that they believed that this time he would not refuse. Immediately after that sentence, I wrote: "Asked if he was willing …

Pope Francis, Filtered

Originally posted on the National Catholic Register website on Dec 27, 2014 Pope Francis, Filtered by George Weigel Saturday, Dec 27, 2014 6:00 AM About a year ago, I suggested to one of the top …More
Originally posted on the National Catholic Register website on Dec 27, 2014
Pope Francis, Filtered
by George Weigel Saturday, Dec 27, 2014 6:00 AM
About a year ago, I suggested to one of the top editors of a major American newspaper that his journal’s coverage of things papal left something to be desired, as it seemed based on the assumption that Pope Francis was some kind of radical wild man, eager to toss into the garbage bin of history all those aspects of Catholic faith and practice that mainstream Western culture finds distasteful.
My friend replied, in so many words: “Look, you know how these media narratives are: They’re like bamboo. Once they get started, there’s no stopping them. They just keep growing.”
Alas, he was right. And while there has been a lot of talk about the “Francis Effect,” it’s worth pondering, a little over a week after the Holy Father’s 78th birthday, the “Francis Filtration.”
The Francis Filtration began in earnest during the impromptu press conference on …More

How Pope Francis' Upbringing Shaped his Role as a Reformer

TRANSCRIPT HARI SREENIVASAN: Now: change at the Vatican. Pope Francis is ushering in a new era in Rome. Jeffrey Brown has that. JEFFREY BROWN: This is the second time Pope Francis has delivered a …More
HARI SREENIVASAN: Now: change at the Vatican.
Pope Francis is ushering in a new era in Rome.
Jeffrey Brown has that.
JEFFREY BROWN: This is the second time Pope Francis has delivered a Christmas message to the world’s Catholics. Almost two years ago, in March of 2013, Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the first pope from the Americas, the first non-European pope since the year 741.
He was a surprise choice and he has captured the world’s attention ever since. Francis has chosen a simpler lifestyle at the Vatican, residing in a guest house, instead of the Apostolic Palace, forgoing the chauffeured Mercedes in favor a plain black sedan.
He has begun to travel and take a more active role in diplomacy. Last month, he visited Turkey, where thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Christians have fled the forces of the Islamic State. While there, he reaffirmed the use of military force against I.S.
And now we have learned of his key part in shepherding negotiations that led to …More
What the Faith Episode 18: Merry Christmas. Hi everyone, We've recorded one more podcast for the year. Feel free to listen, comment and share Topics: 1. Archbishop Fisher's message regarding the Martin …More
What the Faith Episode 18: Merry Christmas.
Hi everyone,
We've recorded one more podcast for the year. Feel free to listen, comment and share
1. Archbishop Fisher's message regarding the Martin Place siege in Sydney, Australia
2. Rome Reports visits Iraqi Christians in the lead up to Christmas
3. Pope Francis' Christmas greeting to the Curia
4. Marvel characters sing Christmas songs May God Bless you all this Christmas and bring his peace and hope to you and those you love and energise you with his grace for another year Here's the
Catholics talking about week one of Advent. Catholics talking about week one of AdventMore
Catholics talking about week one of Advent.
Catholics talking about week one of Advent
Social Network Christmas. The basics of our Christmas story, told as it might have been if Facebook existed 2000 years ago :)More
Social Network Christmas.
The basics of our Christmas story, told as it might have been if Facebook existed 2000 years ago :)
What the Faith: Episode 17 - Apps, Advent and Movies. Episode 17 of our Podcast series, What the Faith, come join us as we review smartphone apps for Advent, discuss Pope Francis' speech to the European …More
What the Faith: Episode 17 - Apps, Advent and Movies.
Episode 17 of our Podcast series, What the Faith, come join us as we review smartphone apps for Advent, discuss Pope Francis' speech to the European Parliament and review the film, Interstellar. There was a lot of activity around us as we recored this episode, our children wanted to be heard :)
What the Faith Episode 16: Science and Baby Noises. Welcome to our 16th Episode of What the Faith. In this episode we welcome Caroline back to discuss the historic Rosetta Space Mission, Pope Francis …More
What the Faith Episode 16: Science and Baby Noises.
Welcome to our 16th Episode of What the Faith. In this episode we welcome Caroline back to discuss the historic Rosetta Space Mission, Pope Francis and Evolution, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno winning a science award, Archbishop Fisher’s new role in the Archdiocese of Sydney and showers for the homeless in the Vatican.
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or subscribe on iTunes on our podcasts page. Show notes: 1. Rosetta Space Mission 2. Pope Francis and the Theory of Evolution 3. Jesuit Brother wins Science Award 4. Archbishop Fisher becomes Archbishop of Sydney 5. Showers for the homeless in the Vatican Thanks, if you like our show rate us on iTunes Follow us on Facebook: On Twitter: @whatthefaithnet Email us: