Tony Smith
Tony Smith

UK Government confirms COVID Vaccines are deadly as they reveal Mortality Rates per 100k are lowest …

Breaking News We finally have indisputable evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly and killing …
Tony Smith

Learn about the work of the SSPX in Lebanon

The SSPX has continued to extend it's work in the middle East and has continued to grow its apostolate in Lebanon See more information at their official SSPX …
Jeffrey Ade
Really, placing themselves in harms way for the salvation of souls, when the churches here shut down because of a bad case of the flue?
Tony Smith
COVID vaccines may impair long-term immunity to the virus

COVID vaccines may impair long-term immunity to the virus

Vaccines against the coronavirus may impair the body’s ability to produce a key type of antibody, thus potentially limiting the immune system’s …
Jeffrey Ade
@Maggie212 But, sadly most peoples do not understand what is going on!