
La Iglesia vuelve a las casas privadas

religion will be practiced only here and there on farms and families

There Is A SAINT CORONA, And She Is the Patron Saint Against EPIDEMICS Little Gospel of the Holy Name of Jesus

Shock Visitation In German Charterhouse: Homosex Visitator, Monks Flee

Ó By a Carmelite
The Church appears to have two Popes-
Two bishops dressed in white:
It seems that certain prophecies
Are now being proven right.
The head would be Pope Benedict,
Although he's old and frail;
While Francis, with his open lies,
Appears to be the tail.
Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
Retains the papacy;
Though forced to publicly resign
The active ministry.
Thus Francis …More
Ó By a Carmelite

The Church appears to have two Popes-
Two bishops dressed in white:
It seems that certain prophecies
Are now being proven right.

The head would be Pope Benedict,
Although he's old and frail;
While Francis, with his open lies,
Appears to be the tail.

Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
Retains the papacy;
Though forced to publicly resign
The active ministry.

Thus Francis is an anti-pope,
Whatever he may claim;
An enemy of Catholics;
Unworthy of his name.

Both head and tail have erred from truth,
So both we must avoid;
The time is coming very soon
When both shall be destroyed.

Meanwhile all faithful Catholics
Must never cease to pray,
That Satan's hour will quickly end
And God will have His day.

"And the Lord shall destroy our of Israel the head and the tail, Him that bendeth down and him that holdeth back in one day. The aged and the honourable, he is the head: and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail." Isaias 9:14-15

Persecuted German Carthusians Take Refuge With PiusX

c. By a Carmelite
The Church appears to have two Popes-
Two bishops dressed in white:
It seems that certain prophecies
Are now being proven right.
The head would be Pope Benedict,
Although he's old and frail;
While Francis, with his open lies,
Appears to be the tail.
Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
The papacy retains;
Although compelled to make a show
Of passing on the reins.
Thus …More
c. By a Carmelite

The Church appears to have two Popes-
Two bishops dressed in white:
It seems that certain prophecies
Are now being proven right.

The head would be Pope Benedict,
Although he's old and frail;
While Francis, with his open lies,
Appears to be the tail.

Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
The papacy retains;
Although compelled to make a show
Of passing on the reins.

Thus Francis is an anti-pope,
Whatever he may claim;
An enemy of Catholics;
Unworthy of his name.

Both head and tail have erred from truth,
So both we must avoid;
The time is coming very soon
When both shall be destroyed.

Meanwhile all faithful Catholics
Must never cease to pray,
That Satan's hour will quickly end
And God will have His day.

"And the Lord shall destroy our of Israel the head and the tail, Him that bendeth down and him that holdeth back in one day. The aged and the honourable, he is the head: and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail." Isaias 9:14-15

English Bishop Ordains Priests In Old Latin Rite (Pictures)

Jorge Bergoglio will soon put an end to them also. If they have any common sense they should just stay clear of the Conciliar novus ordo church of darkness and go Independent.

English Carmel Goes Fully Old Rite

please pray for us also. Thank you

„Mary did you know?“ Tanz- und Schattenvideo über die Geburt und das Leben des Erlösers

So, so beautiful! This is how ballerina dancers should always use their body,- for the glory and praise of God. Thank you and God reward them and the producer.

Liturgische Erneuerung in Italien

Reparation, reparation!
September 27, 1820: "I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking, and talking in church; they were courting women. All sorts of abominations were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass with much irreverence. I saw that few of them were still godly, and only a few of them had sound views on things. I also saw Jews standing under the porch of the …More
Reparation, reparation!
September 27, 1820: "I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking, and talking in church; they were courting women. All sorts of abominations were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass with much irreverence. I saw that few of them were still godly, and only a few of them had sound views on things. I also saw Jews standing under the porch of the Church. All these things caused me much distress." Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich on
The Church of Darkness

Your Holy Face. I wrote this song contemplating this well known portrait of Our Lord that is superimposed …

Thank you Paul and Mike for this beautiful Contemplation. It brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could pray like this! When I am so dry, I like to listen to your prayer in song and make it my own.