Aaron Borgerding
Aaron Borgerding

PiusX Participates in Consecration

It was sent out by email (“Flocknote” to be specific) which stated that it originated in Menzingen. As of yesterday evening I haven’t seen it on their website.
Aaron Borgerding

PiusX Participates in Consecration

See the text below:
"Prostrate before Thy Throne of Grace, 0 Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we remember the requests Thou hast expressed when Thou camest to visit us on earth at Fatima.
The abominable sins of the world, the persecutions directed against the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostasy of the Christian nations and souls, and the neglect of Thy Maternity of Grace by a great majority …More
See the text below:

"Prostrate before Thy Throne of Grace, 0 Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we remember the requests Thou hast expressed when Thou camest to visit us on earth at Fatima.

The abominable sins of the world, the persecutions directed against the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostasy of the Christian nations and souls, and the neglect of Thy Maternity of Grace by a great majority, burdened then and continue to brnise today Thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, so united in its Compassion to the sufferings of the Sacred Heart of Thy divine Son.

In order to make reparation for so many crimes, Thou hast asked for the establishment of the devotion of reparation to Thine Immaculate Heart; and, in order to stop God's chastisements which Thou hast predicted, Thou madest Thyself the messenger of the Most High to request from the Vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ, united with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to Thine Immaculate Heart.

On this feast of the Annunciation, chosen by the Sovereign Pontiff to surround himself with all the bishops and priests of the world, in order to solemnly consecrate to Thine Immaculate Heart "his person, the Church and the whole of humanity, in particular Russia and Ukraine", we wish to associate our voices to the prayer that rises to Thy maternal power.

Therefore, 0 Mother of God, deign to accept this solemn act of reparation which we present to Thine Immaculate Heart for all the offenses by which, together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is burdened by sinners and by impious souls.

Moreover, we give, deliver, and consecrate Russia especially to Thine Immaculate Heart: we beg Thee, in Thy maternal mercy, to take this nation under Thy powerful protection, to make it Thy domain where Thou reignest as Queen, and to make it a land of election and blessing. We beseech Thee to subdue this nation so well that it may become a new kingdom for Our Lord Jesus Christ, a new conquest under His sweet sceptre. May it return from its former schism to the unity of the One Fold of the eternal Shepherd, and thus submit to the Vicar of Thy divine Son, and become an ardent proclaimer of the social Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ over all the nations of the Earth.

Furthermore, we beg Thee, 0 Mother of Mercy, by accomplishing this shining miracle through Thine all-powerful supplication, to manifest to the world the trnth of Thy universal Mediation of Grace. Finally, 0 Queen of Peace, bring to the world that peace which the world cannot give, the peace of nations and the peace of souls, the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ, and the Kingdom of Christthrough the reignof Thine Immaculate Heart, 0 Mary, Amen."
Aaron Borgerding

PiusX Participates in Consecration

The SSPX are distributing an alternate formula of consecration slightly adapted to the current situation from one Archbishop Lefebvre made.