
Decide If You Want To Give Money To The CCHD

It's a wonder that this origanization (CCHD) currently exists at all in the holy Church. How did we sit back and let our Catholic identity get hijacked ... and then fund it from the pew? Can somebody, please clean the Holy House of God!

Don't Follow Raymond Brown Follow Catholic Doctrine

EXCELLENT! More .... More..... More..... I had no idea that Fr. Brown went of the tracks. Thanks,

The First And Greatest Present Of Christmas Was The LORD Gift Of Himself

What an amazing gift from God. Our Lord is extending the hope of eternal life to us by taking on our human nature. How many of us actually give of ourselves at Christmas? What is the present susposed to mean? Do we just "spam" each other with gifts under a tree once a year to feel good about each other? I am so so so sick of this secular celebration, where our greatest joy has been hijacked by pagans …More
What an amazing gift from God. Our Lord is extending the hope of eternal life to us by taking on our human nature. How many of us actually give of ourselves at Christmas? What is the present susposed to mean? Do we just "spam" each other with gifts under a tree once a year to feel good about each other? I am so so so sick of this secular celebration, where our greatest joy has been hijacked by pagans worshiping each other with gifts. It's no wonder we have so many Catholics turning into "Chreesters" ( only attending Church on Christmas and Easter). Christmas blessing to one and all. 🤬 Let's keep Christmas in our hears everytime we receive communion.

Eucharistic Adoration Is The Better Portion

This parable has always puzzled me. I think about how much I work my tail off (Martha) and Mary has choosen the better part? What about service, work is pray...No? How and why has Mary choosen the better part? I visit the chapel as often as I can. To be in the presence of the Lord is awesome! I must say I have difficulty sitting still and get anixous with all that I need to do for my family. Lord …More
This parable has always puzzled me. I think about how much I work my tail off (Martha) and Mary has choosen the better part? What about service, work is pray...No? How and why has Mary choosen the better part? I visit the chapel as often as I can. To be in the presence of the Lord is awesome! I must say I have difficulty sitting still and get anixous with all that I need to do for my family. Lord knows, I give it my all. At the same, The Way of Dvine Love of Sister Josefa Menedez has stuck with me. It breaks my heart to know that our Lord is left alone and unattended in the Chapel at times. The indifference and ingartitude is expressed and lived out in our society. How many people truly believe in the true presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament? If they do, why isn't there standing room only? God Bless you.

Jesus Wishes To Restore Us From Our Spiritual Leprosy

So many people "feel" they can speak/pray to God on-on-one without having to avail themselves to the sacraments. How do you explain to them that nothing supernatural is happening? Especially confession.

The Myths of Vatican II. Have you ever heard someone say someone is pre-Vatican, or that they are …

What could be disturbing about this? People are clapping! What a great friend this priest is! He helped his "brother in Christ" by preaching for him about the changes he made recently in the sanctuary of this church. When is the last time you heard a priest with such conviction to the simple, basic truth in support of returning the tabernacle to it's rightful place, explaining the previously confusing …More
What could be disturbing about this? People are clapping! What a great friend this priest is! He helped his "brother in Christ" by preaching for him about the changes he made recently in the sanctuary of this church. When is the last time you heard a priest with such conviction to the simple, basic truth in support of returning the tabernacle to it's rightful place, explaining the previously confusing altar. Not to mention taking time to compliment the administrator multiple times. For those that criticized this priest, or submitted to the crowd of complainers woe to you. Here is what our Lord revealed to Mutter Vogel in the pieta prayer book p.34

"One should NEVER attack a priest, even when he's in error. Rather, one should pray and do penance that I'll grant him My grace again. He alone fully represents Me, even when he doesn't live after My example!" (page 29, Mutter Vogel's Worldwide Love, St. Grignion Publishing House, Altoting, South Germany, June 29, 1929.

"When a priest falls, we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! I Myself will be his judge, NO ONE BUT I!Whoever voices judgement over a priest has voiced it over ME; child, never let a priest be attacked; take up his defense." (Feast of Christ the King 1937) "Child, never judge your confessor; rather, pray much for him and offer every Thursday, through the hands of My blessed Mother, Holy Communion (for him)" (June 6, 1939) "NEVER again accept an out-of-the-way word about a priest, and speak no unkind word (about them),EVEN IF IT WERE TRUE!Every priest is My Vicar and My heart will be sickened and insulted because of it! If you hear a judgement (against a priest) pray a Hail Mary." (June 28, 1939)

Please pray for these priests that God's grace may shield them from attacks and blessed them with zeal to proclaim the Gospel... especially when the devil gets disturbed by it. Jesus, Mary and Joseph please save souls!