
Only the Orthodox Church Is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

Orthodoxy is the four remaining patriarchates after Rome (the fifth patriarchate) broke away from Tradition by adding the word "filoque" to the Nicene Creed in the 11th century. All patriarchates in union, including Rome had previously declared that the changing of the Nicene Creed was/is forbidden, the punishment being anathema. Rome put itself under anathema by doing this.
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Orthodoxy is the four remaining patriarchates after Rome (the fifth patriarchate) broke away from Tradition by adding the word "filoque" to the Nicene Creed in the 11th century. All patriarchates in union, including Rome had previously declared that the changing of the Nicene Creed was/is forbidden, the punishment being anathema. Rome put itself under anathema by doing this.
Why do you think Roman Catholics are allowed to take Orthodox Sacraments? It is because the Roman Catholic Church admits these are valid- that is from Apostolic Succession. Rome caused the Great Schism between all of Christiandom and then, later, without consulting the others, declared itself "infallable".
It's like one of the nine US Supreme Court justices having a private court date in which only he/she is invited and then declares him/herself to be the sole US Judge.
[I'd better not give them any ideas!]
Sad, but true. This is why I'm leaving the Roman Catholic Church after 22 years. The 'papacy' of Francis is the proper fruit of the Schism. Orthodoxy has not changed Christ's teachings, the Sacraments, etc. and is growing rapidly.
Please research these facts and pray about the situation.
In Christ