John Doe
John Doe

Retired Bishop Openly Supports Sedevacantism

Categorizing the sentence, "the Pope is the bulwark of the Catholic faith" as a Ultramontanist myth is OFFENSIVE TO PIOUS EARS.
Pius IX, Encylical Qui Nuper, No. 3:
. . .We ascended the supreme seat of the prince of the apostles, the citadel and bulwark of the Catholic faith.More
Categorizing the sentence, "the Pope is the bulwark of the Catholic faith" as a Ultramontanist myth is OFFENSIVE TO PIOUS EARS.

Pius IX, Encylical Qui Nuper, No. 3:

. . .We ascended the supreme seat of the prince of the apostles, the citadel and bulwark of the Catholic faith.