
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

what is the point of killing a fetus? so that you dont have a baby to love and kiss and hold? so you can live life free of any ties or connections to anyone, and just go off in the world alone with your money? who WOULDNT want a baby? why would a femae have ovaries eggs and falopian tubes and kill their fuckin baby red bloddy lifeliss corpse out their vagina hole sometimes broken up into pieces. …More
what is the point of killing a fetus? so that you dont have a baby to love and kiss and hold? so you can live life free of any ties or connections to anyone, and just go off in the world alone with your money? who WOULDNT want a baby? why would a femae have ovaries eggs and falopian tubes and kill their fuckin baby red bloddy lifeliss corpse out their vagina hole sometimes broken up into pieces. What is the alternative to motherhood? letting dude fuck you and disrespect you with no love no obligation no responsibility? so basically you would rather be a singl whore who lets men spit on them instead of getting a man to enter father hood and yourself transform into the love and compassion a baby can bring to ones life