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Lesbian couple in fatal accident with 6 adopted kids 'committed murder-suicide'

We live in a society that's fixated on skin color and identity politics. The only thing I saw in that article was the suffering of children because of a dysfunctional 'family'.
Lion IRC

'Portelli is key': Court told cleric could cast doubt on Pell verdict

The High Court judges appear to have a better appreciation of the presumption of innocence, the difference between fact and opinion, and the ease with which juries can be lead to believe the impossible.
Lion IRC

Catholics sing carols for Cardinal Pell outside Melbourne prison

The statistics reviewed by Prof Gans suggest that the High Court very seldom agrees to hear cases unless there IS a real and substantial question of law that was fumbled by the lower court judges/attorneys. And his analysis of the stats show that the High Court effectively agrees with itself 75% of the time - that yes, there was something amiss.
Lion IRC

Catholics sing carols for Cardinal Pell outside Melbourne prison

Sentenced to 6 years. Eligible (to apply for) for parole after 3 yrs 8 months. Yes, Cardinal Pell could be freed if the High Court, upon hearing the matter, accepts the grounds of appeal.
I have only seen speculation about when that might happen - some say as early as March (2020) but others say as late as June/July. I respect this law professors' educated options on the topic.…/…More
Sentenced to 6 years. Eligible (to apply for) for parole after 3 yrs 8 months. Yes, Cardinal Pell could be freed if the High Court, upon hearing the matter, accepts the grounds of appeal.
I have only seen speculation about when that might happen - some say as early as March (2020) but others say as late as June/July. I respect this law professors' educated options on the topic.…/119492115114468…
Lion IRC

France: Nativity play in Toulouse attacked by far-left, anti-Christian mob

From the country which gave us..."I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
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New Movie on Netflix portraying Jesus Chist as a homosexual

Accusing Jesus of homosexuality has been in the standard playbook of God-hating atheists and luke-warm Laodiceans for centuries.
Lion IRC

Woman who transitioned to man starts treatment to be female again

I thought the LGBTQ lobby want to ban any therapy which is based on the idea that SOGI (sexual orientation / gender identity) can be clinically guided.
Lion IRC

Duluth bishop Sirba dies unexpectedly | Duluth News Tribune

"So please call secular authorities not church officials."
It should have ALWAYS been this way.
Gossip is NOT how you you end the scourge of pedophiles/atheists masquerading as clergy.
Lion IRC

Destruction of Parish of the Assumption in Santiago de Chile

What is going on!!!
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Kept Secret: Pell’s Accuser Had Treatment For Psychological Issues - Delusions?

In times long gone, prosecution lawyers used to say..."it doesn't matter what we believe, it only matters what we can PROVE"
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Australia: Child murdering politicians celebrate new law permitting child killing up to birth

Another nail in the coffin of the mammon worshipping death-culture society which wonders why children get raped.
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Hitler the Progressive | Peter Hitchens

Christopher the atheist for most of his adult life, seemed to be on the verge of conversion in his final days. Peter is a fine Christian apologist. He wrote an excellent book - The Rage Against God
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Hitler the Progressive | Peter Hitchens

Peter Hitchens, younger brother of Christopher Hitchens.
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Kept Secret: Pell’s Accuser Had Treatment For Psychological Issues - Delusions?

I'm deeply troubled by the media reports that Cardinal Pells' lawyers are using a new appeal strategy based on conceding that his accuser might be honestly telling (what he sincerely thinks) is the truth. This is a bizarre and needlessly generous concession.
An untruth is an untruth irrespective of motive or origin.
Lion IRC

Hitler the Progressive | Peter Hitchens

The wiser of the two Hitchens brothers.
Lion IRC

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

No, you don't get a hall pass to murder an unborn baby simply because you are a woman or a rape victim.
A random person can't kill an unborn child in someone else's womb and neither can you kill an unborn baby in your own womb. It's the exact same act irrespective of WHO kills the unborn baby.