
Exorcisms: Real or Fake? You decide in the comments

So now leave your comments. Is this real or fake?

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

No! The reason I delete comments is that I read them, and then decide if they are for others to see. If I go onto one of your videos, and call you a "Jerk" then I expect you to see it and then delete it, because it's a distraction from the video or post you put up.
So your last comment that started with the word "Bull$#!+" is probably not for everyone to see, and is a distraction from the actual …More
No! The reason I delete comments is that I read them, and then decide if they are for others to see. If I go onto one of your videos, and call you a "Jerk" then I expect you to see it and then delete it, because it's a distraction from the video or post you put up.
So your last comment that started with the word "Bull$#!+" is probably not for everyone to see, and is a distraction from the actual Praise video. But if you put up a prayer in the comments, then it's beneficial for all to see, then I'll leave it up.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

@God Is Everything Gloria.tv is a Christian site with people (Catholics) who follow Jesus, study the Scripture, serve God and are interested in the works of God/Glory (hence the name Gloria.tv). When I Pastored in China, because of the persecution and distance, we didn't get to have our separate Churches. So we all had to meet in the same place, from Catholic & Greek Orthodox all the way to Pentecostal …More
@God Is Everything Gloria.tv is a Christian site with people (Catholics) who follow Jesus, study the Scripture, serve God and are interested in the works of God/Glory (hence the name Gloria.tv). When I Pastored in China, because of the persecution and distance, we didn't get to have our separate Churches. So we all had to meet in the same place, from Catholic & Greek Orthodox all the way to Pentecostal, Charismatic.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

Here are some examples.
Jesus confronts a Muslim terrorist face to face in his prison cell (Afshin's testimony, a great one) That's a testimony anyone who is Christian should know about.
A video explaining the evils of Abortion, "Child Sacrifice: Ancient and Modern." Another great video. That's is something any Christian should be able to see, learn from, and get behind.
A short video showcasing …More
Here are some examples.

Jesus confronts a Muslim terrorist face to face in his prison cell (Afshin's testimony, a great one) That's a testimony anyone who is Christian should know about.

A video explaining the evils of Abortion, "Child Sacrifice: Ancient and Modern." Another great video. That's is something any Christian should be able to see, learn from, and get behind.

A short video showcasing Election Fraud, 2000 Mules. Any Christian that believe in free and fair election should see that.

A video of a lady, who fell into depression and shot herself (Suicide). It was verified by the producers. In dying, she meets Jesus, and is given a second chance and a message of hope. That's a movie that any one who is a Christian should appreciate.

A video about how the stories from the book of Genesis was found in Ancient Chinese Characters. Any Christian who studies history should appreciate that.

A video about the dangers of Witchcraft and the occult, by x-witches that had powerful encounters with Jesus. Anyone who wants people saved and intercedes for the world should appreciate that.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

@The New Knights Templar You haven't explained how a video that just showcases scripture verses is non-catholic. How are mathematical formulas are non-catholic? How is Christmas music played by an orchestra, not a rock and roll band, are non-catholic. If you find something that goes against the clear teaching of scripture then discuss it. Otherwise it's just a matter of preference. Good night.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

@The New Knights Templar If you don't like my videos, don't watch them. No one is forcing you to watch them. X Drug dealer coming to Christ is NOT unsightly. X-Witches coming to Christ is not unpleasant to God. X-Murders getting saved is not strange evangelization. I delete your comments because 90% of the time they are just rude, and full of pride. Please just stay off the channel, you don't have …More
@The New Knights Templar If you don't like my videos, don't watch them. No one is forcing you to watch them. X Drug dealer coming to Christ is NOT unsightly. X-Witches coming to Christ is not unpleasant to God. X-Murders getting saved is not strange evangelization. I delete your comments because 90% of the time they are just rude, and full of pride. Please just stay off the channel, you don't have to watch them if you don't want to.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

@God Is Everything You don't worship the way I do, fine, then don't watch my videos, and don't waste time on my channel. I don't go to your postings and argue, please don't do it to mine. Just don't watch it if you don't like it.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

Just so you understand, before you leave an insulting comment. This videos was made from Mathematical Formulas called fractals. It showcases scripture verses where the Fractal actually correlates to the verse. For example, if the verse is "Our God is a Consuming Fire" the Mathematical Fractal is one that has the appearance of fire. If the verse is "Jesus is the Radiance of God's Glory" then the …More
Just so you understand, before you leave an insulting comment. This videos was made from Mathematical Formulas called fractals. It showcases scripture verses where the Fractal actually correlates to the verse. For example, if the verse is "Our God is a Consuming Fire" the Mathematical Fractal is one that has the appearance of fire. If the verse is "Jesus is the Radiance of God's Glory" then the Fractal is one that actually shows a cross. It was very difficult to find fractals that correlate graphically to scripture verses. The Background music is Christmas music done by a highly skilled orchestra. The whole theme of the video is the Praise of God.

But for some strange reason, all the comments are "this is psychedelic hippie garbage, what drugs are you on?" by people who claim to know these scriptures, who claim to somehow know Jesus would not like this.

2000 Mules Trailer: Election FRAUD on a Grand Scale

They were tracking 50,000 people going from drop box to drop box in the middle of the night.

The PRISON by Rick Joyner A vision of the whole world stuck in satan's prison

@Just me I'm blocking you from my channel because you don't have anything wise to say, just accusations, while you pretend to speak for Christ. Leave my Channel, I'm tired of you.

Best Video on how the Ark of the Covenant was found by Ron Wyatt

@Just me, get off my channel, you don't have anything wise to say, and you don't speak for Christ.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

It took me months to make this, it's a mathematical fractal filled with scripture, praise and worship backed with some of the best Christmas music I've found, and all you can say is it's not a hippie psychedelic production, just get off my channel!

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

It took me months to make this, it's a mathematical fractal filled with scripture, praise and worship backed with some of the best Christmas music I've found, and all you can say is it's not a hippie psychedelic production, just get off my channel!

Fighting on the 7 Mountains, Seven Mountain Mandate / Cultural War

Fighting the cultural war is something we all need to know about.

From Witchcraft to Christianity, Hell and Heaven, Earthquake Kelley

Earthquake Kelly, the Lutheran, claimed that there were angels. So if Ultraviolet is correct, then there are no angels. Maybe, Ultraviolet, you should just listen to Kelly's testimony, and decide for yourself, without assuming everything is wrong because he doesn't go to your Church.

Techniques in Spiritual Warfare 2: Several new advanced strategies and techniques to overcome in …

Hard lessons in Spiritual Warfare, this is the 2nd video.

Transformations 3 - How Kony and his satan's resistance army were defeated

It's a great video that will teach you how to overcome satanic influence.

A Brief Introduction to Jesus Christ. Who He Is, and What He Does

Can you share the background music? It has a sound that I've been looking for.

A great vision of Heaven and Hell: The best NDE/OBE Recreation I've seen

Wow, this will give you the fear of God.