

I first wish to say thank you for accepting my application to join purgatory and also to inform everyone here that everyday I say the purgatory prayers to help release thousands of souls from purgatory!
I further ask for prayers pertaining to my health as it appears that my health is drifting down an empty road,I need to be strong for my family as I know they need me and I can not if my health is …More
I first wish to say thank you for accepting my application to join purgatory and also to inform everyone here that everyday I say the purgatory prayers to help release thousands of souls from purgatory!
I further ask for prayers pertaining to my health as it appears that my health is drifting down an empty road,I need to be strong for my family as I know they need me and I can not if my health is drifting
Thank you all
GOD bless you all
Ave Maria