
No Dialogue: Bishops "Should Not" Invite Cardinal Burke

This type rumor has been going around for quite a while. Cardinal Burke was the speaker at the Catholic Action for Faith and Family Summit in Dallas this past weekend. Our Bishop Burns was at the Luncheon Banquet and approved all speakers at the Summit. 500+ attended at the Irving Convention Center. Whoever wishes to be invited to next year's Summit with Cardinal Burke, please go to www.catholicaction.orgMore
This type rumor has been going around for quite a while. Cardinal Burke was the speaker at the Catholic Action for Faith and Family Summit in Dallas this past weekend. Our Bishop Burns was at the Luncheon Banquet and approved all speakers at the Summit. 500+ attended at the Irving Convention Center. Whoever wishes to be invited to next year's Summit with Cardinal Burke, please go to to sign up so you can receive the details as soon as it becomes available. Let's fill up Cowboy Stadium with faithful Catholics!!!