
"Energia za damo."

@Adrianna7 - you are making your own science. It's 100% fake - as are thousands of other science videos from India, produced to get cash on youtube and elswhere.

"Energia za damo."


Prison break.

Yet, again, thank you gloria.tv for allowing this kind of posts. Please be sure to mention that when you ask for donations.

Vatican Christmas Stamps: At Least Not Sexual Nor Pagan

Not sexual? Of course not! There’s nothing wrong with a naked boy and a man being presented together

Every dog needs a puppy

the dogs are nice, but the post is gargabe

Sneaky paws..

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

There's always that one kid in every family..

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

Tug of war with 3 men vs her

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

When you’re trying to talk on the phone around a parrot.

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

10-year-old Spanish dancer Irene Olvera

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

Oh the noise he is making is just melting my heart..

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

For fun: 70 step trickshot (only 70?)

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

Every dog needs a puppy

Enough of this garbage. Post it on facebook.

Is this refusal to shake the hand of Pope Benedict XVI evidence of enmity or even hostility between …

This is an old story, and the "refusal to shake the hand" claim has already been debunked somewhere on the net. Watch closely the video. Benedict is introducing his cardinals to the German dude, so he is not shaking their hands. No conspiracy here.

Novus Ordo Is the Sacrifice of Cain

Oh, you philosophers, always potato-tomato issues with you. According to your own words, “The rite is the standard according to which the Mass is performed” - so if the rite is evil, then the mass is evil. And again, according to your words “the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church”. The new rite was 'received and approved' by the Catholic Church. Let it sink in

Novus Ordo Is the Sacrifice of Cain

The article on the blog is blasphemous, and so is this post which favores it. The article claims that the new rite is evil, and not holy. Here is the quote: “The evil of the Vatican Rite is not that it is not a holy rite...”. Really? Is the new mass not pleasing to God? Is it evil? And if it is, then whoever attended it should repent and confess? Blasphemy! And all you clappers are blasphemers too …More
The article on the blog is blasphemous, and so is this post which favores it. The article claims that the new rite is evil, and not holy. Here is the quote: “The evil of the Vatican Rite is not that it is not a holy rite...”. Really? Is the new mass not pleasing to God? Is it evil? And if it is, then whoever attended it should repent and confess? Blasphemy! And all you clappers are blasphemers too. And all who say nothing, are worth the same.

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