
Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives

Probably, the best text on feminism I've seen, THANKS... A LOOOOT!!!

Catholic Teacher Fired Over Black Lives Matter’s Terrorism

Incredible, the guy was fired, what part didn't you understand?

Catholic Teacher Fired Over Black Lives Matter’s Terrorism

Whom are you talking about, Tim Gordon? What are you, braindead? Didn't you read the article?

Brandmüller Contradicts Schneider On "Erroneous" Councils

Yeah, the council of Florence is one of the greatest in Church's history, the last in which the easterners participated, the last (of many) in which everybody, including the easterners, recognized the supremacy of the Pope. From it come the "uniatas" churches"... Of course, what Brandmuller says is: try, true and true: true in all counts. Constance was a wayward marsillian-ockhamist fancy, in which …More
Yeah, the council of Florence is one of the greatest in Church's history, the last in which the easterners participated, the last (of many) in which everybody, including the easterners, recognized the supremacy of the Pope. From it come the "uniatas" churches"... Of course, what Brandmuller says is: try, true and true: true in all counts. Constance was a wayward marsillian-ockhamist fancy, in which ecclesiastics came to their senses, to end the Gran Cisma. One thing is regulate rituals and another, very different, is to set doctrine, as Aristotle says, it is the mark of an educated intellect to tell the proper distinctions. Schneider, who is a great man and bishop, does this to justify his ideas on Vatican II, but there, too, he is lacking proper distinctions

Out of all - Francis Chooses Mario Draghi

Goldman Sachs and Rockefeller man. Of course, he is selected, as member of the plutocracy, to do something with the pope of the proletariat revolution

“Perhaps it is not always advisable to remain nobly silent!”

The current attacks are, obviously, a smear campaign against a Catholic man, it's disgusting. The allegations of a lone, anonimous nun, made 72 years ago, who said that it happened in a house packed with other people, when the man was 63 years old, etc. If you can believe that, you are just cherry picking on whatever to attack the Ecclesia and ecclesiastics...

New report says Iraqi Christians could face extinction

Banana Republic, jajaja, very fitting, an Eddie Bernays slur, great, very mind slavish thing... and the best is that you think that can offend me, hajaja

New report says Iraqi Christians could face extinction

17 years after the US took democracy to Irak, the Christian numbers have shrunk from 1.5 million to 300 thousand; with a tendency to go yo zero. After 2000 years and every type of menace survived, the "democratic" plague proved to be the most effective. Thr antichrist and satan must be very proud

Beware of False Prophets. Fr. Robert Altier issues a warning to beware of false prophets who preach …

@Jim Dorchak Barron is a very talented man, who did good series of meditations and a great presentation of the Church and Catholic culture, Catholicism, was the name of the 8 part series, with great visuals and production, and a still better script. But the fame went to his head; and, still worse, the need to be liked by everyone. What a waste, I hope he repents on time, he did good to my family …More
@Jim Dorchak Barron is a very talented man, who did good series of meditations and a great presentation of the Church and Catholic culture, Catholicism, was the name of the 8 part series, with great visuals and production, and a still better script. But the fame went to his head; and, still worse, the need to be liked by everyone. What a waste, I hope he repents on time, he did good to my family and many people

Big Troubles: Now, Francis’ Much Praised “Poverty” Becomes a Reality

What we know for sure is that Bergoglio-Frank is a pawn (ok, maybe, a bishop) in a plan to destroy the Church....

Rowling Warns Children Being 'Shunted Towards Hormones and Surgery'

She is the main culture warrior at this point in time... I pray our good Lord, our sublime Mother and all the angels and saints that she be enlightened with the fullness of truth: Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live for ever and ever.

Zen: Cardinal Parolin Is Murdering The Chinese Church

I don't question or agree with what you say, I don't know anything about it, could you share a link or a text in which that you can read about that, please?

Socialist Realism? Anglican Cathedral Installs Black Jesus

For sure, those who hate God and Christianity will be very glad, for these clever men have shown how much of a slave spirit they have

Homo-Folly: Bishops and Priests Outbid Each Other in Gay Propaganda

San Ignacio, Íñigo de Loyolla himself, sitting in one of the twelve thrones that our Lord promised, will judge them in due "time"... IN DUE FASHION!!! [let's hope they repent in time]...

Putin mocks U.S. embassy for flying rainbow flag

OK, OK, your tactics is insult, saying I'm ignorant, even when you know you are no match to discuss with me, good: if I'm ignorant, you don't even have a brain, so don't call me ignorant, it diesn't serve your csuse. Secondly, the problem here is that you start insulting Putin for his mockery of the pride rainbow flag, no matter that all you say against hom has nothing to do with the matter at gand …More
OK, OK, your tactics is insult, saying I'm ignorant, even when you know you are no match to discuss with me, good: if I'm ignorant, you don't even have a brain, so don't call me ignorant, it diesn't serve your csuse. Secondly, the problem here is that you start insulting Putin for his mockery of the pride rainbow flag, no matter that all you say against hom has nothing to do with the matter at gand. See, I am a Venezuelan, this guy is one of the main reponsibles for the destruction of my country, I have grievances against the man, I know him, better than you do. BUT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO HERE. So, as always, get in your place and behave, boy!!!!!!

Putin mocks U.S. embassy for flying rainbow flag

@Jmy1975 Now, you are defending the flying of the rainbow flag? Now, your team is rainbow crue? And that's because Putin mocked the US for flying the thing? A contrast: Saint Thomas, he took anything that were true, no matter the origin; or Aristotle: "amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas": Platon is my friend, but the truth is a better friend". Jesus Christ: if you love more your life or your …More
@Jmy1975 Now, you are defending the flying of the rainbow flag? Now, your team is rainbow crue? And that's because Putin mocked the US for flying the thing? A contrast: Saint Thomas, he took anything that were true, no matter the origin; or Aristotle: "amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas": Platon is my friend, but the truth is a better friend". Jesus Christ: if you love more your life or your relatives than the Kingdom, you are not worthy of the Kingdom.... Choose, your ego or the truth, your fantasies or the Kingdom of God

Father Kentenich Accused of “Abuses” – But No Facts

Yeah, like Saint Hildegaard, Saint Albert, Saint Otto, Saint Matilda Queen, Saint Matilda of Helfta, Saint Matilda of Hackeborn, Saint Gertrude the great, etc., all those germans!!!!
You don't speak very well of your country, I mean, as a representative of the sane, with your constant coming back to the same debunked points, "Luther, Marx, Germany.... blablabla". Germany is a country with tens of …More
Yeah, like Saint Hildegaard, Saint Albert, Saint Otto, Saint Matilda Queen, Saint Matilda of Helfta, Saint Matilda of Hackeborn, Saint Gertrude the great, etc., all those germans!!!!
You don't speak very well of your country, I mean, as a representative of the sane, with your constant coming back to the same debunked points, "Luther, Marx, Germany.... blablabla". Germany is a country with tens of millions if peoples, that has been around for millenia, Christianity was saved by the Sacred Empire. You are very antichristian, talking like that. Anyone could do the same with your country, I have proved it to you, profusely... Don't do this, smear a good person, based on such faulty reasoning, it's a shame, big time

Father Kentenich Accused of “Abuses” – But No Facts

It's a pack of debunked lies, proven false over and over again. They know it, but they have no shame

Twitter World: Yes, Even George Washington | The New York Times

When these savages are done, there won't be a trace of civilization, of the very foundations of any notion of justice, even the twisted one they are wielding. There, only physical force would be standing.. but, in reality, there, the true puppeteers will appear. I bet these are related to the puppeteers of the pandemia

Extraordinary: Swiss Bishops Publicly Rant Against Their Nuncio

Gullickson: rejoice this day because great will be your reward in Heaven...