
New Movie on Netflix portraying Jesus Chist as a homosexual

You you know Netflix won't follow that up with a gay Muhammad movie

Mercy Pope Invents New Sin - Who Commits It Is a "Nazi"

He has nullified the first and the sixth commandment and now he's creating a new sin and calling people Nazis if they don't agree. This is a tactic used by libtard snowflakes who have the emotional intelligence of an 8 year old. I guess I will not be able to receive communion from here on out as after researching the subject have determined that climate change is a complete fraud and I have no …More
He has nullified the first and the sixth commandment and now he's creating a new sin and calling people Nazis if they don't agree. This is a tactic used by libtard snowflakes who have the emotional intelligence of an 8 year old. I guess I will not be able to receive communion from here on out as after researching the subject have determined that climate change is a complete fraud and I have no Contrition for this nor do I intend to amend my view

Tirade of Bishop Stika: "Arrest Christeros"

the setting up of that abomination of desolation in the Basilica was an insult to all real Catholics and the blasphemy against God