jana Fried
jana Fried

Our National Patron?

Padre Pio said this of the jews: They are the enemies of God, our souls, and all that is Holy. So of course as they do to all their detractors, they made a Movie of Padre Pio and he says the F word over and over and they most likely turned him into one of them, a jew. Nothing Hollywood produces is not Antichrist.
jana Fried

Most People in the United States are Completely Unaware of This

It is a satanic sacrifice, to consecrate the earth to Lucifer.
The UN is Satanic, and serves satan.
Whatever the jews bring to this world is lies and Satanic, and is not of God.They are the antichrist.
What Goebbels called the "international jew". Is today called the "globalists".
They are agents of evil demonic evil from Hell, that is antichrist, anti-life, and anti God and serving Lucifer's agenda …More
It is a satanic sacrifice, to consecrate the earth to Lucifer.
The UN is Satanic, and serves satan.
Whatever the jews bring to this world is lies and Satanic, and is not of God.They are the antichrist.
What Goebbels called the "international jew". Is today called the "globalists".
They are agents of evil demonic evil from Hell, that is antichrist, anti-life, and anti God and serving Lucifer's agenda, the takeover of this earth and the destruction of all lfe on it.
jana Fried

Trans radicals are now beating and killing people who disagree with them. Where does this end? - …

If people want to lie to themselves, that is their right. However to make it illegal and punishable by violence and destruction against those who prefer the truth, and choose not to also believe the lies of another person, is just going too far.
That is evil: when the medical Mafia, and the government force us to believe their lies, that is the epitome of evil.
That is what these worshipers of all …More
If people want to lie to themselves, that is their right. However to make it illegal and punishable by violence and destruction against those who prefer the truth, and choose not to also believe the lies of another person, is just going too far.
That is evil: when the medical Mafia, and the government force us to believe their lies, that is the epitome of evil.
That is what these worshipers of all things demonic are doing right now.
As a Catholic I prefer the truth, and to lie is a mortal sin.
To be guilty of a mortal Sin makes one open to demonic possession. In the end, that is what these demon possessed people want. They want to make every mortal sin acceptable and eventually mandatory.
The breaking of all of God's commandments compulsory, and accepted as good, and fun and beneficial.
Not if you are Catholic, and it is against FREEDOM of RELIGION to do that. That is their ultimate goal to forbid and abolish the Catholic religion, and replace it with satanism.
jana Fried

Cardinal Müller is right: bishops who voted for same-sex blessings must go - Catholic Herald

Every pope has been a jew, freemason, satanist since John XXIII. He took the Papacy from its rightful Pope: Cardinal Siri, satanic rituals are done in the Vatican ever since. Soon the Vatican will be destroyed forever, it will be taken down to Hell where it and the last 6 Popes belong.
jana Fried

The moment Zionists carried out yet another terror attack against Christians in Jerusalem, this time …

They killed Jesus for Satan their master and continued to persecute Christians to this day. Saint Paul had done with them and said he would only bring Christ to the Gentiles. They have no souls and are cursed ever since, a jew is born and has demonic entities not guardian Angels, controlling them until the die and go straight to eternal Hell. If Jesus returned they would kill him again, they have …More
They killed Jesus for Satan their master and continued to persecute Christians to this day. Saint Paul had done with them and said he would only bring Christ to the Gentiles. They have no souls and are cursed ever since, a jew is born and has demonic entities not guardian Angels, controlling them until the die and go straight to eternal Hell. If Jesus returned they would kill him again, they have openly said they would. They Hate Us because we have souls and they never will.
jana Fried

Israel Introduces Bill to Outlaw Teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sentence Violators to Prison

Is there any question now as to who the antichrist is?
jana Fried

First Lady Jill Biden presents the "International Women's Courage Award" to a biological man on …

It is not enough to humor these lunatics they have to give them awards?
jana Fried

Yorkshire, England: Man uses a cordless angle grinder to cut down a surveillance camera, the day after …

When the powers that be are doing everything they can to destroy our world, one man standing up for us makes God very happy. God bless him. When he is judged by God, for this in his life review, he will be rewarded.
jana Fried


Thank you for showing this. Our Lady of the Roses, told us these things would happen in our schools. The children are not safe in this world. I pray that all the jews will be sent back to Hell forever. They are behind all this sacrilege. I wish that Adolf Hitler would return and save us from the jews and their devil worship.
jana Fried

Cattle THEY JUST KEEP DYING | Is there a pattern?

Satan wins only if he can make 3 things happen one of them is: reduce the gentiles into becoming baby eating cannibals. Before their time is up they will do whatever they can to make it happen.
jana Fried

Nobody should be criminalised for the thoughts they think inside their own head

I feel more sorry for those police. Don't they know that by doing this, they and their family and descendants are cursed forever?
They may meet the police who arrested Jesus Christ, and the soldiers who tortured, mocked and crucified Jesus someday.
It is sad to think there are police who would crucify Jesus again. Police who do not know or Love Jesus. Police who are unjust, irresponsible, illogical …More
I feel more sorry for those police. Don't they know that by doing this, they and their family and descendants are cursed forever?
They may meet the police who arrested Jesus Christ, and the soldiers who tortured, mocked and crucified Jesus someday.
It is sad to think there are police who would crucify Jesus again. Police who do not know or Love Jesus. Police who are unjust, irresponsible, illogical, irrational, and have no conscience or moral compass. Police who are in fact criminals themselves for arresting this woman. For lying, and saying she committed a crime: "Thou shalt not give false testimony", they have committed a Cardinal sin. Police who think evil is good and good is evil are not really fit to be police. This is just another of many signs that it is the end of this world. Who needs criminals when the police do all the crime for them?
jana Fried

"CRY FOR FREEDOM" - This film reveals the officially promoted agenda of globalist organizations to …

These devils like their maker, Lucifer want to be GOD.
God sees us and knows our every thought and dream,
and they are all recorded in the the persons book of life,
The one we see as God sees it, when we, with souls pass over and are judged. These devils do not have souls, they are made by the devil. "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer …More
These devils like their maker, Lucifer want to be GOD.
God sees us and knows our every thought and dream,
and they are all recorded in the the persons book of life,
The one we see as God sees it, when we, with souls pass over and are judged. These devils do not have souls, they are made by the devil. "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof." John 8:44. They when they die are taken by the devil, a huge ball of blackness takes them directly to Hell.
God gives everyone free will. These fake Gods, are devils, who want to dominate and control everyone like a robot, to prevent anyone from having free will. God is Love, he does not want us to suffer. These devils want our torture in their hands as a sadistic pleasure, the only pleasure they ever have is sadism, lies, hate and violence, and the enslavement of the children of God who do have souls. Trump is one of them. He is the slave of satan and an actor. There is no opposition except the one they lie to you exists using their fake actors. Trump is a satanist, a 33 degree mason. He is a LIAR (darkness) posing as an angel of light.
jana Fried

Xi to Trudeau at G20: Everything discussed yesterday "has been leaked to the paper(s), that’s not …

What is Winnie the Pooh doing at the G20?