Mary Jo Beniger
Mary Jo Beniger

The First Irish-American Pope?

As a Christian Woman, Just because you are in the United States does not give you rights to abuse our Children as you have in Rome. If you continue down that path, You will be arrested and thrown in prison and the key needs to be thrown away. Is this what celibacy is about? This is just sick. It is black - black - black as the black pope. God's world was almost ruined by you pigs. Never again.
Mary Jo Beniger

Accountability? Canadian Bishops Finally Admit Their Crimes

Many years ago my Nephew, a student in the seminary, talked to my husband about the future. He said there would be a "Black Pope", and that the United States would break from Rome. With the arrest of Pope Francis, I now see that happening in the near future. Also, Holy Love in Ohio was called the Lourdes of America. Apparitions began their in 1985, and God the Father and others occasionally have …More
Many years ago my Nephew, a student in the seminary, talked to my husband about the future. He said there would be a "Black Pope", and that the United States would break from Rome. With the arrest of Pope Francis, I now see that happening in the near future. Also, Holy Love in Ohio was called the Lourdes of America. Apparitions began their in 1985, and God the Father and others occasionally have been apportioning there almost daily since that 1985 date. The land was acquired in 1993, and Mary pointed out a spot on the land where water would be found. A repeat of how She did did at Lourdes.