Thomas D
Thomas D

Our Lady of Medjugorje Protects the Head of the Serpent

I don’t know who this guy is in the video but he is going to get a huge talking to from the Lord Jesus Christ. First of all, what he is reporting as fact or statements from Medjugorje are things I have never heard, they are distortions and complete falsehoods. He is getting his information apparently from some of the false statements put out directly by Satan by vehement anti-Medjugorje zealots on …More
I don’t know who this guy is in the video but he is going to get a huge talking to from the Lord Jesus Christ. First of all, what he is reporting as fact or statements from Medjugorje are things I have never heard, they are distortions and complete falsehoods. He is getting his information apparently from some of the false statements put out directly by Satan by vehement anti-Medjugorje zealots on the web or their fraudulent books. First of all, his very first statement that Bishop Zanic, now deceased, completely dis-believed the children after interviewing them initially is flat out false. So his first statement is a falsehood and a lie. This can easily be found with a little research but not with the anti-Medj zealots or websites.

I will say one thing sir when you start referring to Our Lady in Medjugorje as a harlot you are on extremely dangerous grounds. If you are a priest it is pathetic.

Bishop Zanic changed from a full believer
after one of the visionaries said Our Lady said he was too harsh in disciplining a particular young priest, and he said Our Lady would never admonish a bishop. HA! But also as the throngs grew, the then-Communist authorities pressured him tremendously as well as the Franciscan priest at St.James to shut the whole thing down. You on the video sound much like these Communist atheists at the time.

Bishop Zanic was afraid, especially after Fr. Jozo, who initially doubted but then firmly believed , and who it is said saw Our Lady during his perplexing time- this Fr. Jozo was ultimately imprisoned for 3 years, tortured, because he would not shut down the church and the apparitions. At one point the church was shackled and armed guards stood outside it not letting people in. Ultimately there were so many people they reopened themselves and the Communists backed off. Many others never came out alive from those prisons. The young visionaries, ranging from 9-15, were even kidnapped by authorities, relentlessly interviewed and threatened to be permanently put in a mental institution. Fortunately, on the first time, they were released and determined to be perfectly normal kids. So why would children persist in their statements they saw the lady, when put under all this pressure and threats from the communists. You will not see this or any of the real facts from the anti-Medj crowd, who rely on he said she said statements for their supposed reporting.

These children were hounded by authorities just like at Fatima and at Lourdes. The only thing that’s going to wake some of you out there disseminating lies in Medjugorje is when, in the not too far future, three warnings will be given three days ahead of time for the world . The visionaries have said repeatedly do not wait fir this as for many it will be too late. The priest, Fr. Petar, who has been entrusted to see and share these and announce three days ahead of time is about 68.

The next few statements this Sensus Fidelum guy states are either completely made up by the diabolical sources you are using, or totally misstated. She did NOT say all religions are equal before God. That is a lie and again used by the satanic anti-Medj zealots. Then the statement about the Muslim woman being the holiest -The link below is from a very holy priest in Medjugorje who shows what this Muslim woman, from visionary Mirjana’s book My Immaculate Heart will Triumph, really was, and she actually encouraged Mirjana , her young neighbor, who used to help her get food and other acts of charity. It shows what actually happened with this so-called statement the woman Pasha was holiest - not true not true not true.

I couldn’t watch the video very long from Mr. Sensus Fidelum due to the severity of the lies and distortion coming from him, as well as the blasphemies. Such arrogance and trust in sources not even verified. I guarantee you will have to answer to the Lord for your calling Our Lady in Medjugorje a harlot. I suggest you repent from that now. You sound like Jimmy Swaggart, or as I said the prior Communist authorities . Get your facts straight you are being deceived and lied to, spreading it to others, who spread it as well . Exactly what Satan wants.

Speaking of Satan, the late great exorcist of Rome, who it is estimated performed about 100,000 exorcisms in his lifetime (note possessions are very few others are diabolical influences) stated that Medjugorje is a”fortress against Satan” and laments the apathy from priests bishops and others regarding this. See article below for Fr. Amorth comments.
Thomas D

New Papal Envoy For Medjugorje

PS sorry for all the typos didn't see an editor, very late, Christ's peace and blessing to all
Thomas D

New Papal Envoy For Medjugorje

VRS regarding the links to Peric statements after reading them, I have seen these before and and these statements are so blatantly false, and distorted, completely lies and bogus, its is very clear why all authority for declarations on these apparitions, that is the final official position of the Catholic Church will come from the commission established by Pope Benedict XV NOT by Peric. The words …More
VRS regarding the links to Peric statements after reading them, I have seen these before and and these statements are so blatantly false, and distorted, completely lies and bogus, its is very clear why all authority for declarations on these apparitions, that is the final official position of the Catholic Church will come from the commission established by Pope Benedict XV NOT by Peric. The words of Peric, show clearly he, who was not present at ANY of these apparitions, is speaking about something he heard from obvious naysayers trying to discredit it. Seen this before same old story. Nothing about the fruits. Another thing, before the fall of communism, the Bishops were being heavily threatened by the communists to stop these apparitions. Actually, much of what you are saying matches what the communist atheist government saying about the apparitions so you are aligned with these atheists in that sense. If you are basing your opinion on the local Bishop Peric you have little to nothing of he truth of what has been going on. His statement in these early days, in my opinion, were also out of fear of being imprisoned as Fr. Jozo for 3 years and tortured and nearly killed because he would not declare the apparitions false , who ultimately defended the children as they were being pursued by the communist government, who even locked up the church, kidnapped the kids and took them to a mental hospital threatening to lock them up forever, only to be declared sane and normal and they had to release them , MUCH like Fatima when the kids were kidnapped, and the persecution of Bernadette by authorities. You guys really have so little knowledge of what has occurred there, and if you are relying on what Peric or Zanic said you have little to nothing of the truth.

The late Zanic, his predecessor, was even worse. He supported them originally, then turned on them, not long after Fr. Jozo was imprisoned for "sedition" when his homily, which was being monitored by communist plants, was distorted talking about freedom from the bondage of sin, arrested and taken to the court run by communist authorities, saying he was trying to overthrow the government. Many others died in those prisons. There is a free movie "Gospa" on YouTube, Martin Sheen as Fr. Jozo, which shows, filmed in Medjugorje, what happened in those early days as thousands came and communists did everything they could to squelch it. The kids were 9-15 when this happened so any plan they to become rich from this as being threatened even their very lives, is preposterous. Both Bishops in my opinion lacked the courage to defend the faith, an God will be the final judge on that.

I have been there, late 80's prior to the war. I saw many things, very miraculous phenomena, and very persona, tremendous. These were not like mystical interior visions but phenomena undeniably miraculous. One such event was I was coming along the side of the church one day, late evening as I recall, people in unison were looking up at cross mountain (Mt. Krizevac), where the large concrete cross is. This cross, I believe 40 ft. was built in 1933, by the people, women and men carrying bucket by bucket, in bare feet for penance .. this cross was built and has the words commemoration 1900 years since the death of Jesus Christ. Anyway, many have seen Our Lady and other phenomena on this Mt. from a distance. The cross spinning, disappearing, flashing. Our Lady has said all of the signs are to awaken the faith of the people.

What I saw that day as soon as I looked up to the mountain, was a huge golden dome coming down and resting on the mountain. This was not an interior vision. The gold was a color I can only describe as not of this world, a color so beautiful and I was shocked, it was as if something was projecting this at first I thought what? At the place where the cross would be was a beautiful heavenly pink, and I could sense the presence of Our Lady in this it reminded me of a rose. In research I have done for a book I am presently working on, others, including many priests and nuns have seen this same phenomena, it is documented in at least one book I read, and when they used binoculars to see what this pink area was, they all saw Our Lady there where the cross would be. In reading the account of Fatima in Sr. Lucia's own words, in the introductory sections, many of the phenomena reported are similar to accounts at Medjugorje. For example, when Our Lady would come the sun would dim and the trees looked like the leave were all colorful flowers. Colorful images of flowers, doves and other things falling from the sky at Fatima. Many such events though different types and forms reported at Medjugorje. Miracle of the sun, seen by multitudes at Fatima and Medjugorje. the description of the sun by witnesses at Fatima, where you could look on it without hurting your eyes, like a gray disc, to me it looked like a host, and spinning, colors everywhere, pulsating, some of these in Medjugorje are on video as well though they don't so it justice. I have seen this phenomena in the US as well. One such time was this past summer, late evening here in Texas, quite an interesting picture I took shown below.

Anyway, rather than the plethora of false information posted by just a relatively few people on the internet, I suggest you read something like "The Queen of Peace Visits Medjugorje" by the late Fr. Joseph A Pelletier, A.A. from 1985, giving early accounts of what occurred. Thi book was hard to find not many copies out there but very good. Also, "The Apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje 1981-1983, by Svetozar Kraljevic O.F.M, edited by Michael Scanlan, T.O.R.

God bless and the peace of Our Lord and Our Lady be with you.
Thomas D

New Papal Envoy For Medjugorje

What Bishop Peric wrote is his personal opinion, it has been stated as such by the Vatican. He no longer has any authority in reviewing these apparitions. For while what you say is true in most cases, in this case it is not. In 2010 Pope Benedict XV took it completely out of the locals hands by establishment of the International Commission at the Vatican which published its findings a while back. …More
What Bishop Peric wrote is his personal opinion, it has been stated as such by the Vatican. He no longer has any authority in reviewing these apparitions. For while what you say is true in most cases, in this case it is not. In 2010 Pope Benedict XV took it completely out of the locals hands by establishment of the International Commission at the Vatican which published its findings a while back. There has been much personal animus and lack of objectivity by the bishop, such as seen here in many of these posts, thus it was removed to the International commission.

I think Pope Francis mischaracterized the commissions findings, which were reported inside information in the Italian press and strongly in favor of supernatural first several days of apparitions, and two voting negative on the ongoing apparitions and the others 15 or so saying cannot determine supernatural as of yet.

Fr. Gabrielle Amorth, official exorcist of Rome for many years, before he died, said Medjugorje is a Fortress against Satan, and he can see the pagans not believing in Our Lady coming as the prophets of old, but "be ye Christian" is it unfathomable. Its really like Jesus said if you have ears to hear, many don't and are blinded by false stories and tales on Medjugorje. He also said it is very clear in the gospels by their fruits you will know them. Massive confessions, constant adoration of the blessed sacrament, holy and reverent prayer and masses in many languages. Massive deep conversions, thousands of vocations, etc. He said anyone, priests bishops or whoever that say I will wait and see if the church approves are "fools". This coming from one who performed an estimated 100,000 exorcisms(the minority are possessions). I will trust his discernment of spirits eons more than the very untrained and quite frankly vindictive and bitter interpretations I see here by many.