Adam fdsfgsdf
Adam fdsfgsdf

Zelenski. , nie wyjmując rąk z kieszeni powiedział , że utracono kontrolę nad Marjupolem . NA ZAWSZE💥💥💥

Pokazałem to video Ukraińcowi, oto jak to przetłumaczył:
"the woman asked him about a realistic scenarios of saving the Mariupol"
"i can't tell you about the real scenarios of saving the Mariupol, i don't have rights to do that. We try to support our guys there, they are in a very hard situation. We're on contact with them every day. We're talking about Turkey mediation in this …Więcej
Pokazałem to video Ukraińcowi, oto jak to przetłumaczył:
"the woman asked him about a realistic scenarios of saving the Mariupol"
"i can't tell you about the real scenarios of saving the Mariupol, i don't have rights to do that. We try to support our guys there, they are in a very hard situation. We're on contact with them every day. We're talking about Turkey mediation in this question. I think that we will get the answer on your very hard question in a couple of days". Czy ktoś może potwierdzić trafność ?