Defeat Modernism

The Assumption of Our Lady as Seen by Mystic Mary of Agreda

Click this link to watch on YouTube:
Click this link to watch on YouTube:
On the Vice of Speaking Immodestly by St. Alphonsus

On the Vice of Speaking Immodestly by St. Alphonsus | Defeat Modernism

This is a podcast defending the Traditional Catholic Church against the errors of Modernism, Freemasonry, Judaism, and Communism. …
On the Death of the Sinner by St Alphonsus (9th Sun after Pentecost Sermon)

On the Death of the Sinner by St. Alphonsus (9th Sun after Pentecost Sermon) | Defeat Modernism

This is a podcast defending the Traditional Catholic Church against the errors of Modernism, Freemasonry,…
Defeat Modernism

The Catholic Church was the First to proclaim a Young Age for the Earth

From the Roman Martyrology: In the 5199th year of the creation of the world, from the time when in the beginning God created heaven and earth; from the flood, the 2957th year; from the birth of Abraham …More
From the Roman Martyrology:
In the 5199th year of the creation of the world, from the time when in the beginning God created heaven and earth; from the flood, the 2957th year; from the birth of Abraham, the 2015th year; from Moses and the going-out of the people of Israel from Egypt, the 1510th year; from the anointing of David as king, the 1032nd year; in the 65th week according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the 194th Olýmpiad; from the founding of the city of Rome, the 752nd year; in the 42nd year of the rule of Octavian Augustus, when the whole world was at peace, in the sixth age of the world: Jesus Christ, the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by His most merciful coming, having been conceived by the Holy Ghost, and nine months having passed since His conception was born in Bethlehem of Juda of the Virgin Mary, having become man.
THE NATIVITY of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.

Argentina President converts to Synagogue of Satan

Former Catholic, now apostate who is coverting to the Synagogue of Satan, Milei went to the Ohel Chabad Lubavitch before any other meetings with US officials or the International Monetary Fund in …More
Former Catholic, now apostate who is coverting to the Synagogue of Satan, Milei went to the Ohel Chabad Lubavitch before any other meetings with US officials or the International Monetary Fund in Washington. Libertarians are godless liberals. They are just as anti-Christ as the communists and socialists.
Trump and Putin both support this Satanic Jewish Cult. Same Judeo-Masonic Coin, just two different sides of it. One Communist/Socialist the other Liberal/Libertarian - both Anti-Christ, both controlled by the diabolic Jewish forces.
Milei’s Conversion to Judaism Seals Pro-Israel Push by Argentina (

Fr. Jenkins on Vigano vs. Schneider and more....

The Rulers of Russia by Fr. Denis Fahey (Synagogue-of-Satan Revolution) 2 of 5

On the Death of the Just by St. Alphonsus Liguori

On the Death of the Just by St. Alphonsus (25th Sunday after Pentecost) | Defeat Modernism

Mass locations for the SSPV: YouTube Channel for live Traditional …

For All the Saints - The True Champions

Click this link to watch on YouTube: For All the Saints - The True Champions

Defining "the Church" • Taylor Marshall & Viganò

Alejandrina Reyes
Have you read this new apostolic letter ? I am speechless . Can you explain me ? Pope Francis calls for ‘paradigm shift’ in theology for world of todayMore
Have you read this new apostolic letter ? I am speechless . Can you explain me ? Pope Francis calls for ‘paradigm shift’ in theology for world of todayMore
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Watch Fr. Jenkins' latest episode of What Catholics Believe

The Wrath of God is come Upon them to the End

The Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are ADVERSARIES to ALL men; Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, …More
The Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are ADVERSARIES to ALL men; Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the WRATH of God is come upon them to the end.
-St. Paul's first Epistle to the Thessalonians 2:15-16
Boanerges Boanerges
Don't you see how all of this religious hatred provokes “the need” for the new Abrahamic brotherhood, soon to be One world religion with peace and …More
Don't you see how all of this religious hatred provokes “the need” for the new Abrahamic brotherhood, soon to be One world religion with peace and environmental harmony of our “mutual home”. Bergoglio is already preaching this as Antichrist’s precursor.
Jeffrey Ade
It has come upon us all! But where one poor sinner will find God's Wrath, another will find God's Loving Correction! It is up to us to make this our …More
It has come upon us all! But where one poor sinner will find God's Wrath, another will find God's Loving Correction! It is up to us to make this our personal blessing, despite the sufferings! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
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First Friday devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Click this link to watch on YouTube: First Friday Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fr. Jenkins on the latest Apostasy from Francis

God bless Archbishop Vigano.

Fr. Jenkins on the Validity of Baptism done in the Novus Ordo

The Catholic Twilight Zone: From Sorcerer to Saint (Saints Cyprian & Justina)

Fr. Jenkins discusses the Crisis in the Church, Sedevacantism & Pope Pius XII

Fr. Jenkin's latest Episode....

Fr. Jenkins on the Bible, the connection between Abortion & Pedophilia....

King St. Louis IX a Great Catholic Monarch by Fr. Hewko (Feast Day Aug 25th)

Click on this link to listen to a powerful sermon on this great King and Saint: King St. Louis IX a Great Catholic Monarch by Fr. Hewko (Feast Day Aug 25th) | Defeat ModernismMore
Click on this link to listen to a powerful sermon on this great King and Saint:
King St. Louis IX a Great Catholic Monarch by Fr. Hewko (Feast Day Aug 25th) | Defeat Modernism
The kind of leader we are so in need of.