chris griffin
chris griffin

230 years ago today: The terror that was, and that which may yet still be

May they rest in heaven for all eternity.
chris griffin

Enduring defeat and knowing the battles are not over

45. All of Heaven and earth will testify against her Deut 30:19
46. Her heart is hardened by sin
the greater the sin the more they are hardened Heb 3:13
47. She refuses to place her baby with a loving adoptive couple. She wants to make sure that her baby is dead that day.More
45. All of Heaven and earth will testify against her Deut 30:19

46. Her heart is hardened by sin
the greater the sin the more they are hardened Heb 3:13

47. She refuses to place her baby with a loving adoptive couple. She wants to make sure that her baby is dead that day.
chris griffin

Compilation of videos posted on "X" during the genocide in Gaza (June 2024, 9th month of the genocide)

Unconscionable brutality by Israel. They will never have peace. Israel has made a lifetime enemy.
chris griffin

Infanticide and Sodomy: mere “spots on the wall”. Canaanites, Sodom and Gomorrah unavailable for …

Abortion and sodomy both cry out to God for vengeance and God promises to avenge. Trump and Vance have become pagans.
chris griffin

Day 48: The Murder Of The Innocent Children - The Holy Family Go To Matarea

The Massacre of the Holy Innocents continues to this day in numbers that are unthinkable.
chris griffin

NYC plans to stop treating bodies of 2nd and 3rd trimester aborted babies as 'human remains'

For the most High hateth sinners, and will repay vengeance unto the ungodly, and keepeth them against the mighty day of their punishment. Sirach 12:6
chris griffin

Ratzinger’s Spurious Pretexts for Rejecting Scholasticism

I always thought that BXVI was a terrible Pope. This confirms it.
chris griffin

Infanticide and Sodomy: mere “spots on the wall”. Canaanites, Sodom and Gomorrah unavailable for …

Abortion and sodomy are two sins that cry out to God for vengeance and God has promised to avenge. Trump and Vance have abandoned God and the unborn. They have become pagans.
chris griffin

Republicans are no longer Pro-Life. The American Solidarity is committed to Pro-Life policies. #…

"Abortion is a war against the child, murder by the mother herself." Saint Mother Teresa
chris griffin

‘Betrayal’ of Catholic faith: Potential Trump running mate JD Vance slammed for backing abortion …

Vance said on his podcast a year or two ago that he knew about the infallible condemnation of abortion. He even quoted the paragraph from Evangelium Vitae. Terrible situation for him, he is a heretic.
chris griffin

JD Vance as next VP of these United States. What do we think? Trump's post on Truth: "After lengthy …

Vance is a disgusting pro abortion heretic excommunicated from the Catholic Church. He is outside the Catholic Church Sacraments except Confession for his sin of cooperating in baby murder.
chris griffin

The next Vice President of the United States, 39 year old Catholic convert JD Vance

Vance is a disgusting pro abortion heretic excommunicated from the Catholic Church. He is outside the Catholic Church Sacraments except Confession for his sin of cooperating in baby murder.
chris griffin

‘100% pro life’: JD Vance softens abortion position as Trump weighs VP pick

@Dr Bobus... Vance is still a heretic and a horrid person. He has an article on his website defending himself which is leading his readers into grave sin. He is a traitor to God and to the unborn.
chris griffin

‘100% pro life’: JD Vance softens abortion position as Trump weighs VP pick

come on man I just told you...any law that attacks human life - it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them.
chris griffin

‘100% pro life’: JD Vance softens abortion position as Trump weighs VP pick

Can. 1364— § 1. An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.
That applies to Vance for his approval of abortion pills which defies an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church condemning abortion.
chris griffin

‘100% pro life’: JD Vance softens abortion position as Trump weighs VP pick

@@Dr Bobus...John Paul II, continuing the constant teaching of the Church, has reiterated many times that those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a «grave and clear obligation to oppose» any law that attacks human life. For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them.
DOCTRINAL NOTE on some questions regarding The Participation of …More
@@Dr Bobus...John Paul II, continuing the constant teaching of the Church, has reiterated many times that those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a «grave and clear obligation to oppose» any law that attacks human life. For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them.

DOCTRINAL NOTE on some questions regarding The Participation of Catholics in Political Life, 4
chris griffin

Heroic Priest Denies Communion to Pro-Death Politician

Yes, excommunicated latae sententiae for denying an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church condemning abortion. Thank God for a holy priest.
chris griffin

Cork TD ‘taken aback’ by priest's refusal to give communion at funeral

The condemnation of abortion is an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church equal in authority as the founding of the Catholic Church by Christ and all the Mariam dogmas. Any denial of this doctrine is heresy, and that person is automatically excommunicated.
chris griffin

Heroic Priest Denies Communion to Pro-Death Politician

The condemnation of abortion is an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church equal in authority as the founding of the Catholic Church by Christ and all the Mariam dogmas. Any denial of this doctrine is heresy, and that person is automatically excommunicated. Priests in the USA are enabling sacrilegious Communion. Thank God for this priest in Ireland.
chris griffin

Taxation is Theft . . . and Murder!

Planned Parenthood receives $500 million dollars from governments to murder the unborn in addition to many millions from donations.