Ann Smith
Ann Smith shares from Live Mike

"An Apostate Pope, Under Control of Satan?" - Fr. Malachi Martin et al on the Real Third Secret of Fatima

"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist. [...] The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation." - Selected excerpts taken from Our Lady of La Salette's Secret to …More
"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist. [...] The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation." - Selected excerpts taken from Our Lady of La Salette's Secret to Mélanie Calvatin on 19 September 1846, 1878 (Approved apparition) Final version published in 1879 at Lecce, Italy, with the imprimatur and approval of Bishop Salvatore Luigi Zola, C.R.L.?, the Bishop of Lecce
"The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism.” “Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness …
Sean Johnson
Actually, 100% of the hierarchy, minus Vigano.
How about 90% of the hierarchy and religious orders. Modernism on steroidsMore
How about 90% of the hierarchy and religious orders.
Modernism on steroids