Monday, September 1, 2008
Priesthood - Orders - & Scandals "Suggestions"
It is very sad to hear about our "so-called" Champions in faith, and "Directors of faith!" fall into such very scandalous ordeals.
Yet, to be bluntantly direct, where all right manner of speaking is due.
Please... May I remind you that the vocation for the Holy Order is not that to be taken lightly.
Yet for the sure amount of …More
Monday, September 1, 2008
Priesthood - Orders - & Scandals "Suggestions"
It is very sad to hear about our "so-called" Champions in faith, and "Directors of faith!" fall into such very scandalous ordeals.

Yet, to be bluntantly direct, where all right manner of speaking is due.

Please... May I remind you that the vocation for the Holy Order is not that to be taken lightly.

Yet for the sure amount of money or fame or sheer number of recruits... the religious organization has grieveously accepted "members or recruits" without delving or digging deeper into the backgrounds or profiles of this so called "Members of the Higher Order"

What I mean to say, the rigid "rigid test". "rigid trainning" into the religious cornerstone has been removed. They have been willing to "cut corners" so as to speak so that the square peg may fit into the round hole of religiousity. They have been lax. (More priest or order are mostly on the meriment instead of the gloomy life. They live out more …