Darrell Wright
Darrell Wright

A timely recommendation

I've studied Garabandal and the evidence convinces me that it has a preternatural origin, i.e. from the devil, who can cause what looks like miracles but are just false manifestations of the supernatural, such as manipulating the laws of physics ,as when the girls walk backwards over stones and stuff.
Garabandal apparition of the Devil 1961
Anyway we have enough approved private revelations that …More
I've studied Garabandal and the evidence convinces me that it has a preternatural origin, i.e. from the devil, who can cause what looks like miracles but are just false manifestations of the supernatural, such as manipulating the laws of physics ,as when the girls walk backwards over stones and stuff.
Garabandal apparition of the Devil 1961

Anyway we have enough approved private revelations that we don't need to take the risk of believing in and promoting unapproved ones. Fatima is what needs to be promoted. Another thing, why would none of the girls enter religious life, and why would Joey L die still blind, and then there are the words about Paul VI being a good pope (he was a NWO Globalist asset and an unchaste homosexual: More evidence that Giovanni Battista Montini, the future Paul VI, was homosexual @ TraditionInAction.org
(and 2 other short related articles there) ) and JP II was supposed to be the last pope if the messages were correct. We must be very cautious and discerning. Jesus said even the elect would be deceived in the last days. Look at the harm Medjugorje has caused. Did you ever see E Michael Jones on youtube about that, or his book, The Medjugorje Deception: Queen of Peace, Ethnic Cleansing, Ruined Lives?

Fatima is of utmost importance, so important in fact that the enemy colonizers of the Vatican "disappeared" Sr Lucia and replaced her with an impostor, now proven with absolute certainty, as sisterlucytruth.org details. Sr Lucia had to go (probably murdered) since the Fatima Message needed to be distorted and a false "Third Secret" revealed to the world in 2000. The real Secret, from what we know from Pius XII's 1957 reading of it (which hardly anyone knows about), as well as what Ratzinger apparently told a close priest friend, has to do with a false Vatican II Council and the almost universal loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Besides the link above, and the interviews at its channel (where you'll hear about the dark side of the double agent Malachi Martin in the service of the enemies of Christ, esp. toward the end of parts 2 and 3, see Cardinal Ratzinger: We Have Not Published the Whole Third Secret of Fatima - OnePeterFive

St John of the Cross wrote: "The devil rejoices when people seek private revelations."
Darrell Wright

A timely recommendation

They also asked him about the 3rd Secret of Fatima, he who was complicit in the Impostor Sr Lucia criminal identity theft. The Secret is not only about physical destruction as punishment for sin, but the loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as Pius XII's May 13, 1957 reading of it included:
What the Real Third Secret of Fatima Said (Witness Account)
See the channel there for more unpleasant little …More
They also asked him about the 3rd Secret of Fatima, he who was complicit in the Impostor Sr Lucia criminal identity theft. The Secret is not only about physical destruction as punishment for sin, but the loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as Pius XII's May 13, 1957 reading of it included:
What the Real Third Secret of Fatima Said (Witness Account)
See the channel there for more unpleasant little known info.
Darrell Wright

SPECIAL REPORT: Here’s Why The Freemasons Are a Demonic and Evil Organization! -

Few Catholics know that antipope Paul VI was the son of a false convert Jewish mother (see her tombstone on google images) and was an unchaste homosexual. See
More evidence that Giovanni Battista Montini, the future Paul VI, was homosexual @ TraditionInAction.org (and 2 other related short articles there)
Darrell Wright

1936 Catholic Gazette – Plot Against The Church

Darrell Wright

1936 Catholic Gazette – Plot Against The Church

This need to be shared widely, and amongst the clergy and religious!
"...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before the Pope of Rome is dethroned..." That may have happened at the 1958 papal conclave.