Only True Catholicism Saves
Did You Know That Fulton Sheen Was A Heretic? Fulton Sheen had a popular TV show & preached a watered-down fake Catholicism. He stated that non-Catholics "do not need to know" Christ - a total rejection …More
Did You Know That Fulton Sheen Was A Heretic?
Fulton Sheen had a popular TV show & preached a watered-down fake Catholicism. He stated that non-Catholics "do not need to know" Christ - a total rejection of the Gospel & the Catholic faith. Sheen wasn't Catholic. He was an abominable apostate. There are many examples of heresy & apostasy from Sheen. In Sheen's book, Treasure In Clay, he denies the necessity of Christ and the Catholic faith for salvation. Attached also is a photo from the relevant page of the book:
“The good Hindu, the good Buddhist, the good Confucianist, the good Moslem are all saved by Christ and not by Buddhism or Islam or Confucianism but through their sacraments, their prayers, their asceticism, their morality and their good life.” (Treasure In Clay, Fulton Sheen, 1980, pg. 148)
This statement from Sheen is blatant heresy & apostasy. In light of dogmatic Catholic teaching, Fulton Sheen's wicked heresy is practically the exact opposite:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of …More