Phillip F McCabe
Br. William Norris (MLR, NM) Addresses Las Cruces Council Meeting Concerning New Abortion Facility. This meeting took place on 04/03/2023 at the Las Cruces Council facility in New Mexico. Brother …More
Br. William Norris (MLR, NM) Addresses Las Cruces Council Meeting Concerning New Abortion Facility.
This meeting took place on 04/03/2023 at the Las Cruces Council facility in New Mexico.
Brother William Norris of Mary's Little Remnant in TorC NM was allowed 3 minutes to deliver his address to the attendants.
Brother William first of all professes his allegiance to his belief in the true Catholic Faith and then raises his vehement objection to the planned $10M abortion facility coming to Las Cruces in New Mexico.
He is allowed 3 minutes to deliver his address to the audience and councillors in attendance whilst articulating the statistics and sinister political agenda surrounding such a project and asks pertinent questions that have yet to be addressed.Show more
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A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details. Show less
Darkeys Polkas (boiling point) The lads are in full flight here. Where else would ye get it?More
Darkeys Polkas (boiling point)
The lads are in full flight here. Where else would ye get it?
T.J.Delaney - Part 2 of our protest against the Trans/LGBT abomination at the so called St. Patricks day parade. MLR were the only ones fighting for his honour, STAND UP IRELAND! Includes a new clip …More
T.J.Delaney - Part 2 of our protest against the Trans/LGBT abomination at the so called St. Patricks day parade. MLR were the only ones fighting for his honour, STAND UP IRELAND! Includes a new clip and a brief for the extensive video we are planning. Share far and wide!
Part 2 of our protest against the Trans/LGBT abomination at the so called St. Patricks day parade. MLR were the only ones fighting for his honour, STAND UP IRELAND! Includes a new clip and a brief for the extensive video we are planning. Share far and wide! T.J.Delaney on Twitter
Recorded on 2022/03/05. Brother William Norris of Mary's Little Remnant (MLR) in NM discusses his journey from the Novus Ordo church, into false traditionalism and sedevacantistism, then gives testimony …More
Recorded on 2022/03/05. Brother William Norris of Mary's Little Remnant (MLR) in NM discusses his journey from the Novus Ordo church, into false traditionalism and sedevacantistism, then gives testimony on staying with Bros. Peter and Michael Dimond of Most Holy Family Monastery (MHFM) NY, eventually finding the true Catholic faith with MLR in TorC New Mexico and moving there to their property.
Further information at website:
A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details.
If you want to be a true Catholic, the answer is All the so called tradcats and so called sedevacantists are all heretics, who say some good things, but hold one or more heresies. I …More
If you want to be a true Catholic, the answer is All the so called tradcats and so called sedevacantists are all heretics, who say some good things, but hold one or more heresies. I have a list of all the heresies they hold and their names I can post if you want me to. Please reply...
Phillip F McCabe
At your judgement, God will repeat these words I told you here; doubt it not and repent, convert and abjure now.
Phillip F McCabe
Here is dope francis in 2006, acting like a dope, and the heretic he is, for getting other sodomites and other perverts like himself to bless him. He …More
Here is dope francis in 2006, acting like a dope, and the heretic he is, for getting other sodomites and other perverts like himself to bless him. He is demonic, and a "nope" as they say, a "no pope" a "dope" a "poop" a freak, and idol worshipper. That cartoonist who posted the dope with his pacamaca idol uncensored, I promise you is a freemason or a Talmudist.
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for …More
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District, which contains homosexuality, transgenderism, other sexual perversions, and CRT.
Further information at website:
A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details.
This lecture contains a clip from Mike Lindell’s show The Lindell Report on 2/8/2023. And it contains comments from our Brother William Norris and from myself (RJMI). William Norris had the God-given …More
This lecture contains a clip from Mike Lindell’s show The Lindell Report on 2/8/2023. And it contains comments from our Brother William Norris and from myself (RJMI). William Norris had the God-given opportunity to ask Mike three questions.
1) On why was Trump disloyal to Mike, one of his most staunch defenders who running for the leadership of the Republican National Committee (RNC), by not supporting Mike. Instead, Trump secretly worked to get one of his worst enemies elected, Ronna McDaniel, who is anti-MAGA and a horrible swamp creature.
2) On why Trump does not condemn the Covid 19 vaccine; or, at least, acknowledge that there are some major problems with it.
3) On what Mike thought about Trump and Kari Lake supporting and promoting sodomites by hosting a Gay Gala for LGBTQ Republicans (called Log Cabin Republicans) at Trump’s Mar a Lago on 12/15/2023, which should now be called Gomorrah Lago.
When William told Mike about this homo and transgender fest at Mar a Lago, Mike pretended …More
William Norris' Address to the TorC School Board Regarding Books in the New Curriculum (03/13/23) Recorded on 03/13/2023. Br. William Norris makes a 3 minute address to the TorC School District Board …More
William Norris' Address to the TorC School Board Regarding Books in the New Curriculum (03/13/23)
Recorded on 03/13/2023. Br. William Norris makes a 3 minute address to the TorC School District Board meeting, NM, where he objects to the nature of the books being implemented for the schools New Curriculum. He highlights how these books are a danger to children by promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, and gender role reversal as normal and warns of the dire consequences of violating the Natural Law which leads to confusion, chaos, and lawlessness in society.
Further information at website:
A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details.
Phillip F McCabe
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a …More
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District, which contains homosexuality, transgenderism, other sexual perversions, and CRT.
Further information at website:
A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details.
T.J.Delaney - Protesting the trans march on St. Patricks day. Just a clip, more to come soon, we gave them no rest from Dame street till the end Only MLR Ireland (myself and Br. Dermott) there to protest …More
T.J.Delaney - Protesting the trans march on St. Patricks day. Just a clip, more to come soon, we gave them no rest from Dame street till the end Only MLR Ireland (myself and Br. Dermott) there to protest this abomination
Protesting the trans march on St. Patricks day. Just a clip, more to come soon, we gave them no rest from Dame street till the end Only MLR Ireland (myself and Br. Dermott) there to protest this abomination T.J.Delaney on Twitter
William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (4-26-2023) This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which …More
William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (4-26-2023)
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District, which contains homosexuality, transgenderism, other sexual perversions, and CRT.
Further information at website:
A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details.
Non-Catholics Cannot Hold Offices in the Catholic Church ~ Catholic Video Lecture This lecture recorded on 2016, and revised in 2022, teaches the dogma that non-Catholics cannot hold offices in the …More
Non-Catholics Cannot Hold Offices in the Catholic Church ~ Catholic Video Lecture
This lecture recorded on 2016, and revised in 2022, teaches the dogma that non-Catholics cannot hold offices in the Catholic Church. Hence a Catholic officeholder who becomes a non-Catholic automatically loses his office. And a non-Catholic who is elected or appointed to an office does not get the office. His election or appointment is invalid, null and void. This applies to all offices and thus also to the papal office. Valid papal acts are part of the Apostolic See and are free from all sin and error. However, invalid papal acts are null and void and thus not part of the Apostolic See. Invalid papal acts must be judged, rejected, and condemned but the pope himself cannot be juridically judged unless he sins. When a pope sins, he must be juridically judged (tried, sentenced, and punished) as a sinner but not as the pope. The fact that a pope goes to confession is one proof that he can be juridically judged …More
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Destroyer of all heresies, and all heretics, and all demons! Viva Christo Rey! Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!
T.J.Delaney - Protesting the trans march on St. Patricks day. Just a clip, more to come soon, we gave them no rest from Dame street till the end Only MLR Ireland (myself and Br. Dermott) there to protest …More
T.J.Delaney - Protesting the trans march on St. Patricks day. Just a clip, more to come soon, we gave them no rest from Dame street till the end Only MLR Ireland (myself and Br. Dermott) there to protest this abomination
Protesting the trans march on St. Patricks day. Just a clip, more to come soon, we gave them no rest from Dame street till the end Only MLR Ireland (myself and Br. Dermott) there to protest this abomination T.J.Delaney on Twitter
Phillip F McCabe
WGN against the local school board. Sodomy is condemned by the One, True God. Do not do this sin, this mortal sin, this heresy against God. More
WGN against the local school board. Sodomy is condemned by the One, True God. Do not do this sin, this mortal sin, this heresy against God.
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for …More
This event took place on 04/26/2023. This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District, which contains homosexuality, transgenderism, other sexual perversions, and CRT.
Further information at website:
A JohnTheBaptist online chat group is also available, please email for details.
Jerry Springer had his chance, he is now in hell in fire, never to be released, as long as God is God.
Phillip F McCabe
Repent now, God is fiercely angry.
Phillip F McCabe
T.J.Delaney @TJDelaney2 Jerry Springer died yesterday. God gave him plenty of time to repent, but is now burning in hell forever. Here is an audio of Br. Richard exposing his extremely blasphemous …More

Jerry Springer died yesterday. God gave him plenty of time to repent, but is now burning in hell forever. Here is an audio of Br. Richard exposing his extremely blasphemous Talmudic Jewish play ''Jerry Springer: The Opera'' at Carnegie Hall…
10:08 AM · Apr 28, 2023

'The Cardinal' - Hollywood playing their part promoting Vatican II heresies, the denial of the salvation dogma. There is only salvation inside the Catholic church, no if's or buts.
Phillip F McCabe
see TJDelaney2 on twitter for more on "The Salvation Dogma"
Phillip F McCabe
Your are 100% right, true Catholic, Dermott Fegan! "Abominable perverts"!