Fr Gordon J MacRae
Long holiday weekends have always been a scourge behind prison walls, but a Covid shutdown over Labor Day 2020 spawned the Corn Hole Pandemic Games. Guess who won …

The First and Last Labor Day Pandemic Games — Beyond These Stone Walls

The First and Last Labor Day Pandemic Games + + + The origin of Labor Day is attributed to Peter J. McGuire, a New York carpenter …
Absent probing and honest media interviews, no one knows whether Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris still stands by her anti-Catholic rhetoric of 2020.

Kamala Harris, Knights of Columbus and Anti-Catholicism — Beyond These Stone Walls

Kamala Harris, Knights of Columbus and Anti-Catholicism When I was 18 years old and a newly returned Catholic in 1971…
In 2021 Kamala Harris boasted of being "the last one in the room" to coax President Biden into signing an order for a hasty U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Today she claims to know nothing about it.…More
In 2021 Kamala Harris boasted of being "the last one in the room" to coax President Biden into signing an order for a hasty U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Today she claims to know nothing about it. Among all the tragedies of that time, this one involves a lost child who has no voice except the one we are giving him.

No Child Left Behind — Except in Afghanistan — Beyond These Stone Walls

No Child Left Behind — Except in Afghanistan In October, 2021, I wrote a post entitled “ Left in Afghanistan: Taliban, al Qaeda …
You people are awful. ... In your ugly treatment of your brother ... --Tammy Bruce Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment …More
You people are awful. ... In your ugly treatment of your brother ... --Tammy Bruce
Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment of your family's wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. Never a word for the trail of abused or abandoned women left behind by a Kennedy, but because one of your men supports Trump in an effort to make the lives of Americans better, that alone is beyond the pale.
In your ugly treatment of your brother, you reveal the rot that has broken the hearts of the American people so many times over the years. Beyond that …More
More lucrative lawfare entrapping New Hampshire Catholic priests.

Another Shopping Trip for NH Attorneys

There is concern about the shortfall in funds needed for the complainants of YDC sexual abuse. Please bear in mind that there does not seem to be any watchdog to …
The Media Report once again saves us from an old, debunked anti-Catholic story presented as something new.

Bigoted Reporters at NYT and NPR Repeat Phony Story About 'Unmarked Graves' In Canada

Mainstream corporate journalist bigots: Jenn White (1A, NPR),David Folkenflik of NPR, and Alissa Wilkinson of the NY …
Cultural Meltdown: The Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis by Bill Donohue is a tour de force about our culture in decline and what we need to stem the encroaching tide.

Cultural Meltdown: Prophetic Wisdom for a Troubled Age — Beyond These Stone Walls

Cultural Meltdown: Prophetic Wisdom for a Troubled Age Introduction by Fr Gordon MacRae: Speaking at the “Essence Festival …
It has been three years since the Biden Administration chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. To mark the occasion the Taliban announced that all girls are banned from education beyond grade 7.

Left in Afghanistan: Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS-K, Credibility — Beyond These Stone Walls

Left in Afghanistan: Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS-K, Credibility The late author, Tom Clancy was widely considered to …
In one of history’s darkest times and places, Saint Maximilian Kolbe continued his life’s greatest quest: to know, honor, and echo the assent of Mary to the Lord.

The Assumption of Mary and the Assent of Saint Maximilian Kolbe — Beyond These Stone Walls

The Assumption of Mary and the Assent of Saint Maximilian Kolbe On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII solemnly …
St. Maximilian Kolbe was a prolific writer before his arrest by the Gestapo in 1941. He died a prisoner of Auschwitz, but true freedom was his gift to all who suffer.

A Tale of Two Priests: Maximilian Kolbe and John Paul II — Beyond These Stone Walls

A Tale of Two Priests: Maximilian Kolbe and John Paul II In his wonderful book, Making Saints: How the Catholic Church …
Stung by claims of cover-up when abuse was alleged in the past, Church leaders and some treatment professionals now set aside the rights of accused priests.

When Priests Are Falsely Accused: The Mirror of Justice Cracked — Beyond These Stone Walls

When Priests Are Falsely Accused: The Mirror of Justice Cracked Are you sick of stories about the sex abuse …
A must-read news brief from The Media Report.

Fighting to the End: Falsely Accused Priest Restored to Ministry Just Days Before Death

Rest In Peace: Fr. Kenneth Kaucheck It wouldn't seem like much to ask: In 2009, a woman came forward claiming that …
Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross — Edith Stein — are honored this week as martyrs of charity and sacrifice.

Saints and Sacrifices: Maximilian Kolbe and Edith Stein at Auschwitz — Beyond These Stone Walls

Saints and Sacrifices: Maximilian Kolbe and Edith Stein at Auschwitz In a post some years ago I invited …
‘One Nation under God’ was added to the Pledge of Allegiance by joint resolution of Congress in 1954. Today some forces want it gone, and God gone with it.

One Nation under God: The Future of the U.S. Supreme Court — Beyond These Stone Walls

One Nation under God: The Future of the U.S. Supreme Court The title of this post should be recognizable to just …
The Transfiguration of the Lord is honored by the Church on August 6, which is 40 days before the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross on September 14.

The Transfiguration of Christ — Beyond These Stone Walls

The Transfiguration of Christ The image atop this post depicts the The Transfiguration account told in the Gospel of Saint Mark (9:2-10), is …
August 5 is the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome. It follows the Declaration of the Mother of God under the title, "Theotokos," which means the Bearer of God.

The Ark of the Covenant and the Mother of God — Beyond These Stone Walls

The Ark of the Covenant and the Mother of God Most long time readers of these pages might guess my favorite among the canonical …
Trump’s Legal Jeopardy Is Rising Along With Kamala Harris’s Political Fortunes If the vice president wins the White House, the 45th president’s chances of a conviction will spike.More
Trump’s Legal Jeopardy Is Rising Along With Kamala Harris’s Political Fortunes
If the vice president wins the White House, the 45th president’s chances of a conviction will spike.

Trump’s Legal Jeopardy Is Rising Along With Kamala Harris's Political Fortunes

Trump’s Legal Jeopardy Is Rising Along With Kamala Harris’s Political Fortunes If the vice president wins the White House …

A Catholic League White House Plea Set Pornchai Moontri Free — Beyond These Stone Walls

A Catholic League White House Plea Set Pornchai Moontri Free This post has been a long time in the making. It’s …

Untying the Knots of Sin in Prison by Marie Meaney — Beyond These Stone Walls

Untying the Knots of Sin in Prison by Marie Meaney [ Cheminons aves Marie qui défait les nœuds. What follows is an English …
By Mary Ann Kreitzer of Les Femmes - The Truth

"Life is Like Toilet Paper" and Other Thoughts

Beyond These Stone Wallsby falsely imprisoned priest, Fr. Gordon MacRae. His case illustrates the evil of ungodly prosecutors, corrupt policemen, and greedy …