
Bishop Doerfler: Bergoglio's Fiducia supplicans Is Lack of Charity

This document talks about blessing couples NOT individuals separately. When a 'couple" presents themselves to be blessed it is their 'couple-ness' that is being blessed. The gays know that, you know that, I know that, everyone else knows that, Bergolio knows that

Michael Matt cancelled (Sede) Archbishop Viganò

a speech can always be introduced with the "...opinions do not necessarily reflect..." Matt says he wanted to "Unite the clans" he did the opposite. All important issues must be settled before any meaningful 'uniting'....

Rock Legend Alice Cooper Condemns ‘Fad’ of Indulging Children in Transgenderism – Allah's Willing …

welllllll, Cooper's reaping what he sowed...... actions have effects !! play with fire and you get burned

Traditionis Custodes: More Generous Than Expected

this is an incomplete reporting by here's the rest of Bishop Parkes' letter (bold emphasis added)
Specifically, the Holy See presented the motu proprio’s provisions which those granted the dispensation should keep in mind, namely, Pastors should take steps over the next two years to lead the faithful toward the celebration of the Roman Missal of Saints Paul VI and Pope John Paul II …More
this is an incomplete reporting by here's the rest of Bishop Parkes' letter (bold emphasis added)

Specifically, the Holy See presented the motu proprio’s provisions which those granted the dispensation should keep in mind, namely, Pastors should take steps over the next two years to lead the faithful toward the celebration of the Roman Missal of Saints Paul VI and Pope John Paul II. The Holy See encourages the faithful to celebrate the Eucharist in the Novus Ordo in Latin, “wherein the nobility beauty and grandeur of the Roman Rite can be fully experienced, including its musical patrimony.” At the very least, parish leaders should not manifest an attitude of disparagement toward the Novus Ordo or the faithful who celebrate the liturgy according to the current Roman Missal. Nor should parishes promote the antecedent liturgy as a purer or more traditional alternative to the current liturgical books, which uniquely express the Roman Rite. Further, the Holy See reminded parishes that they were granted the dispensation specifically for the spiritual good of the groups of the faithful who are attached to the liturgy celebrated according to the Roman Missal of 1962. Therefore, the antecedent liturgy should be distinguished from properly parish masses. This reminder indicated that pastors should not promote the antecedent liturgy as a parish mass or schedule these liturgies when parish masses or other parish activities are scheduled. The parish bulletin and website should not include the mass times for the antecedent liturgy. At Epiphany this precept may require some nuance adaptation. However, you should be attentive to how the spirit of this norm can be implemented as much as possible. You should see the dispensation as a pastorally sensitive response to the spiritual needs of the faithful who are attached to the pre-conciliar liturgy. The favor also allows time for deeper reflection on how to proceed celebrating the antecedent liturgy in manner that is respectfully obedient to the Holy Father’s supreme authority in shepherding the liturgical life of the entire Church. As Diocesan Bishop and the one responsible for moderating the liturgical life of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, I look forward to cooperating with you and your parishioners in finding the way forward with prudence. With every best wish and a promise of a remembrance in prayer, I

'I think our country is dead': Trump explains why he's running for president again

the problem is..........there are very few patriots !

Cardinal Hollerich: There’s ‘space to expand’ Church teaching on all-male priesthood

not infallible - heh ?? outside of the fact that (1) Jesus anointed only men, (2) the apostles did the same (3) Jesus (and St Paul) say that the OT is not abrogated only completed (4) AND the Old Testament Jews has an all male priesthood for 1500 years or more !!!! .... sigh

Man stabbed multiple times in seemingly random attack in DC

failed to mention......... "... a man..." was a black male who was just released from prison.

Ahh not Catholic teaching at all there...

Outside the Church there is no salvation.. allowing invincible ignorance, of course (PiusXII)

Size of tiger’s palm vs a baby deer

but, Tigers have to eat....maybe has babies.... that's the REAL animal world

FOX: "Tuesday could get very nasty."

The Marxists, the GOPe, Big Business, the Tech tiians, the globalists are all widely against President Trump... what's that old adage? You're known by your enemies????

FOX: "Tuesday could get very nasty."

The Uniparty/globalists are insuring an even bigger victory for President Trump. Even Elon Musk says so....... see his tweet

US Never Ending Wars: 32 Years Ago, America's "First War" against Iraq - Global Research

never understood why Iraq was attacked by the US when it was Saudis who flew into the Twin Towers? Oh and didn't the Bush family have long time financial connections with Saudi oil? Oh and aren't Iraq and Saudi Arabia oil rivals.... and right after the attack, didn't Bush immediately fly high level Saudis out of the country? and didn't the FBI say everything was 'hunky-dory' nothing changes.......…More
never understood why Iraq was attacked by the US when it was Saudis who flew into the Twin Towers? Oh and didn't the Bush family have long time financial connections with Saudi oil? Oh and aren't Iraq and Saudi Arabia oil rivals.... and right after the attack, didn't Bush immediately fly high level Saudis out of the country? and didn't the FBI say everything was 'hunky-dory' nothing changes................

Silicon Valley Bank Used Former McCarthy Staffers to Weaken Regulations, Lobby FDIC

This is not a regulation problem....that's the left's propaganda Banks need to be regulated but prudence and wisdom must preceed regulation
SBV collapse is clearly malfeasance of the FDIC regulators out of the San Fransicso (?) office. The BS (balance sheet) clearly showed total assets at 12/31/2022 $211.8 B of which only approximately $40 B were immediately available to pay the $173 billion in …More
This is not a regulation problem....that's the left's propaganda Banks need to be regulated but prudence and wisdom must preceed regulation

SBV collapse is clearly malfeasance of the FDIC regulators out of the San Fransicso (?) office. The BS (balance sheet) clearly showed total assets at 12/31/2022 $211.8 B of which only approximately $40 B were immediately available to pay the $173 billion in deposit liabilities — which are all due within the next year Interim BS would have shown the same thing and the regulators should (did?) have know that and stepped in.

Latin American Synod Worships Pachamama

The Head of the Roman Catholic Church is Jesus Christ, and She is found in the Deposit of Faith (which cannot change but can be more clearly understood) and in Her Mystical Body .... The Church may be hard to find Her visible form now... in some - many - places She has gone underground. But, do not despair ! The Bride of Christ will be protected by The Lord Jesus, Her Spouse.

Latin American Synod Worships Pachamama

Dear Kenjiro, There IS a Roman Catholic Church;; She , the Bride of Christ is not destroyed; but many have tried to defile Her.... the Church Triumphant, The Church Suffering, The Church Militant....... the body of Christ... yes ! there are false brethren, usurpers holding the institutional apparatus... they present only a counterfeit face, NOT the real face of the one, holy, and apostolic Roman …More
Dear Kenjiro, There IS a Roman Catholic Church;; She , the Bride of Christ is not destroyed; but many have tried to defile Her.... the Church Triumphant, The Church Suffering, The Church Militant....... the body of Christ... yes ! there are false brethren, usurpers holding the institutional apparatus... they present only a counterfeit face, NOT the real face of the one, holy, and apostolic Roman Catholic Church. And yes, you are right. If those who have tried to defile the Church, die unrepented they will suffer eternal damnation

A Century Ago: Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize 15 Million Americans

Rockefellers also used $$$$ to get American medical schools to drop naturopathic, traditional Native American or the holistic approach to healing. The first tranche of $$ went to John Hopkins. voila ! Big Pharma was born..........

Share, Share, Share! Justice for Jacob Chansley!

here's the J6 choir, in prison singing during their one hour daily 'recreation' BTW: they begin this hour with a prayer begun with The Sign of The Cross (film available on the Internet) OFFICIAL SONG/VIDEO “Justice for All” A Recording by Donald J. Trump & the J6 Prison Choir

Humans are now being pushed to consume fake meat products made from the same cultured cells used in …

You sure have to give Gates and Big Pharm the Prize for Ever Changing and Unrelenting Attacks on Humans. Golly, he doesn't give up. Too bad, so many people exhibit culpable naivety about their plans