
Stop Communist Activist Angela Davis from Speaking at Catholic Gonzaga University

Prayer and Action. Signed the petition too.

Satanists Attack the Virgin Mary on Christmas Eve - Oklahoma City

This took place across the street from St. Joseph's Cathedral. The bishop told parishioners (and the priests there) not to attend the act of reparation so as to not give the satanists the publicity they wanted. Since when do satanists care about publicity? A few parishioners joined us against the bishops wishes. Very sad...

Pro-Life Truth vs. Pro-Abortion Lies

TFP Student Action makes great videos!

Why Games at the St. Louis de Montfort Academy are so Different

Sorry. The link at the end does not work. Here is the full Academy video: Where Heroes Are Forged - St. Louis de Montfort Academy
Dieu seul!

Fantasy Literature, J.R.R. Tolkien, & Mystic Flight (1 of 2)

Very important for Catholics to hear this conference!

I Caminhada em Defesa da Vida - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Fantastic! Congratulations in joining the Pro-Life Marches throughout the world!

Pro-Homosexuals Attempt To Rip TFP Sign

TFP - Sans peur et sans reproache!

Ônibus e ‘direitos humanos’ em Cuba: modelo para o Brasil?

Libera nos a malo! God deliver us from the plague of communism.

Notre-Dame de Paris n'est pas une synagogue

What a Sacrilege! What a Tragedy! Thank you for protesting! Dieu Seul!

Saint Therese the Little Flower and the Conversion of Anglicans

St. Therese, bring England home!