Jesus to Mankind
The conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul. Saturday Dec 13, 2014 at 12:15 am My dearly beloved daughter, the conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul. What the conscience feels, …More
The conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul.
Saturday Dec 13, 2014 at 12:15 am
My dearly beloved daughter, the conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul. What the conscience feels, responds to, and believes in, is reflected in his soul. This means that if your conscience alerts to you something that you know, in your heart, is wrong in the Eyes of God then you must listen to it.
If your conscience leads you to defend the Word of God, when you are presented with evil, you must respond to it, as you know you must. If you accept evil, when your conscience guides you otherwise, then you are disloyal to the Word of God. You must, if you call yourself a Christian, allow your conscience to guide you. In the Christian soul who is blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the conscience will be fully alert to the deceit of the devil in all its forms.
If you deny your conscience then you deny God. When you deny God you deny your own inheritance. Never make excuses for accepting …More

The conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul.

Saturday Dec 13, 2014 at 12:15 am My dearly beloved daughter, the conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul. What the conscience feels, responds …
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Not one of you is capable of understanding Divine Laws Thursday Jun 26, 2014 at 02:00 pm My dearly beloved daughter, you must never believe that My Word, given to the world, through these Messages will …More
Not one of you is capable of understanding Divine Laws
Thursday Jun 26, 2014 at 02:00 pm
My dearly beloved daughter, you must never believe that My Word, given to the world, through these Messages will be accepted easily. Those who do accept them will struggle from time to time to live these Messages and all that I ask of them. Instead of living the Messages and adapting their lives accordingly, they will question and question every Word that comes from My Sacred Mouth. If they were, instead, to adhere to My Teachings, which have never changed, then they would serve Me better.
Not one of you is capable of understanding the Divine Laws, which come from My beloved Father. When you try to analyse the Mysteries of the Divinity of the Holy Trinity, you will fail, for not all is for your knowing. Any one of you who believes that they understand the events leading up to and beyond My Second Coming must know this. I reveal certain events only to help you prepare your souls. My Revelations are …More

Not one of you is capable of understanding Divine Laws

Thursday Jun 26, 2014 at 02:00 pm My dearly beloved daughter, you must never believe that My Word, given to the world, through these Messages will …
Jesus to Mankind
One half will not deviate from the Truth. The other half will twist the Truth Wednesday Nov 21, 2012 at 11:30 pm My dearly beloved daughter, for every stern Message I give to all of God’s children …More
One half will not deviate from the Truth. The other half will twist the Truth
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012 at 11:30 pm
My dearly beloved daughter, for every stern Message I give to all of God’s children always remember that My Love is ever Merciful.
My patience is all enduring and I will save every single person who calls on My Mercy, irrespective of the gravity of their sins.
How I yearn to free all from the grasp of the deceiver who tightens his hold on every soul he has seduced, so that many are powerless against his strength.
Let no man fail to understand this. When you have sold your soul, willingly, to Satan, he will not let you go free. Only I can set you free.
When those souls, who are lost to Me because of the sinful lives they lead, try to change their ways, they too, will struggle against the beast. For this is a beast who is aggrieved and he is vicious.
For many, even those who are devoted to Me, their Jesus, he will become like a thorn in their side from time to time. Nothing will …More

One half will not deviate from the Truth. The other half will twist the Truth

Wednesday Nov 21, 2012 at 11:30 pm My dearly beloved daughter, for every stern Message I give to all of God’s children always …
They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent Tuesday Feb 19, 2013 at 02:30 pm My dearly beloved daughter, please inform My disciples that My Reign is near. They must …More
They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent
Tuesday Feb 19, 2013 at 02:30 pm
My dearly beloved daughter, please inform My disciples that My Reign is near.
They must not fret, because although the Crown of Thorns has descended on My Vicar, appointed by Me, Jesus Christ, to rule over My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, has been viciously ousted – I now come, at last, to bring you peace.
The next year will be very cruel and very distressing for you, My beloved disciples, and My last True Pope. He, who was maliciously and deliberately plotted against, has been treated just as I, Jesus Christ, was beaten and scourged. They will now try to kill him, just as they killed Me.
They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent.
I, your beloved Saviour will save you all from the wickedness, which will be perceived by many to have come from Me, by the Hand of My Command.
I instruct My Church as before, but only through the Power of the …More

They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent

Tuesday Feb 19, 2013 at 02:30 pm My dearly beloved daughter, please inform My disciples that My Reign is near. They must not …
Jesus to Mankind
Many Popes have been prisioners Thursday May 07, 2012 at 06:19 pm My dearly beloved daughter, to My churches through the world I say this. Know that I will always be with you at your side as long as …More
Many Popes have been prisioners
Thursday May 07, 2012 at 06:19 pm
My dearly beloved daughter, to My churches through the world I say this.
Know that I will always be with you at your side as long as your proclaim My Most Holy Word.
To My Catholic Church, even though you caused torment as a result of evil sin know that I will never forsake you, although you have sinned. But know this.
Your faith in Me is not as strong as it should be. You do not love Me as you once did.

All the wealth you accumulated, put a distance between Me, your Christ and Saviour, and God’s ordinary children.
You scaled such lofty heights that I could not reach up to you and offer you My hand to salvage you from the rot within your core. You were taught the truth by My Peter upon whose rock you were built. And what did you do? You built thick stone walls around you. This caused a lack of communication with those whom you needed to feed with My Body and Blood so that their souls could be nourished. The respect required …More

Many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See surrounded by Masonic Groups

Many Popes have been prisioners Thursday May 07, 2012 at 06:19 pm My dearly beloved daughter, to My churches through the world …
This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan Friday Nov 09, 2012 at 09:00 pm My dearly beloved daughter, in just two years, millions of souls have now been …More
This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan
Friday Nov 09, 2012 at 09:00 pm
My dearly beloved daughter, in just two years, millions of souls have now been converted and saved because of this Mission. Your suffering, alone, has saved ten million souls, as I promised you. So while the world’s woes may seem to be increasing, many souls are being saved through your prayers.
Suffering in My Name always gets worse and becomes so painful that it is hard to bear. It is at its most intense when Satan is angry. His anger at present is intensifying and this is why the attacks on you are so distressing. He and his demons are surrounding you, but cannot harm you in a physical way for My Father’s Hand protects you. This does not lessen the scourging you are enduring at this time, the second anniversary of this Mission. But know this.
The most suffering is endured when a Mission, or the work of the victim soul, is succeeding. The more souls who are saved the …More

This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan

Friday Nov 09, 2012 at 09:00 pm My dearly beloved daughter, in just two years, millions of souls have now been …
Jesus to Mankind
Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world. Sunday Jun 17, 2012 at 08:15 pm My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take …More
Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.
Sunday Jun 17, 2012 at 08:15 pm
My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.
Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.
Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.
Their evil schemes would shock all those innocent souls who have no idea how powerful they are.
Driven by a lust for power, wealth and a desire to be godlike in all they do, they believe they are invincible.
They control banks, governments and are responsible for causing terror in the Middle East. They control much of the world’s media and the truth of their wickedness is hidden behind so called humanitarian organisations. Sadly very few of God’s children know of their plans. Know that the hand of My Father …More

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.

Sunday Jun 17, 2012 at 08:15 pm My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take …
Jesus to Mankind
Global Plan to deplete world population and overthrow world leaders Friday Nov 26, 2010 at 03:00 am My beloved daughter, you will be sent guidance from a spiritual director, soon. But remember, many …More
Global Plan to deplete world population and overthrow world leaders
Friday Nov 26, 2010 at 03:00 am
My beloved daughter, you will be sent guidance from a spiritual director, soon. But remember, many of My followers are called by Me, but not all accept. I cannot, as you know, interfere with free will, a Gift to mankind. No matter. It is important now to continue with this urgent Work so that My children will listen and be saved.
The Signs
Make no mistake, change is afoot and shortly there will be so many signs, that there will be few people on this Earth who will fail to notice them. The signs I speak about, are those, which are being given through My visionaries, through the apparitions of My beloved Blessed Mother in Europe. Many people who open their minds, and unlock their trapped souls, will understand that this communication comes from the Heavens. When My children see the miraculous signs, which will be visible through the sun, they will then know the Truth.
Ignore the scorn, …More

Global Plan to deplete world population and overthrow world leaders

Friday Nov 26, 2010 at 03:00 am My beloved daughter, you will be sent guidance from a spiritual director, soon. But remember, many of …
Jesus to Mankind
Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler Saturday Nov 10, 2012 at 11:45 pm My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can …More
Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler
Saturday Nov 10, 2012 at 11:45 pm
My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although you accept My Holy Word, it is only when the prophecies I reveal to you materialise, that you understand the seriousness of this Mission to save humanity.
The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler.
This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children.
Remember that the only thing that has stopped My Father from bringing the world to an end is because of the love of those loyal servants amongst you.
My Father has, because of His Love for every child and every Creation of His, held His Hand. Now …More

Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the …

Saturday Nov 10, 2012 at 11:45 pm My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although …
Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants Wednesday Feb 13, 2013 at 11:20 am My dearly beloved daughter …More
Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013 at 11:20 am
My dearly beloved daughter, there is a rage in Heaven, at this time, as the Crown of Thorns descend to crush My Body, the Catholic Church, on earth.
This prophecy given to you, in much detail, over the last two years, has come to pass.
Now, as My other Revelations will soon be realized, very few of My sacred servants will be able to ignore My Pleas to the human race, at this ungodly hour in your time.
They, the wicked group have begun their campaign, to rid the earth of the Truth of My Teachings. My Holy Vicar has been forced into this action and will suffer greatly as a result. Masonry has infiltrated My Church on earth and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants.
Many have no idea as to the deceit with which they are being presented. Nor do they know that …More

Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division …

Wednesday Feb 13, 2013 at 11:20 am My dearly beloved daughter, there is a rage in Heaven, at this time …
Another fakse prophet putting words Our Lord's mouth. Like so: "soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful …More
Another fakse prophet putting words Our Lord's mouth. Like so: "soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants." --that moment when you realize "the schism" happened in 1054 AD and there has been division and disquiet ever since. Just ask the Byzantine Empire when the Crusaders sacked the city of Constantinople.