
Science Cannot Explain History: Errors of Big Bang Cosmology

Big Bang Cosmology Anomolies is another good video that quickly brings to the point that Big Bang Cosmology is not science.

Ten thousand unite for life: Pro-life vigil against abortion in Dublin

I was at the follow up rally for life on January 19th 2013 and there were 30,000 at it...

Ten thousand unite for life: Pro-life vigil against abortion in Dublin

I was at the vigil for life, and while its true to say that there was not 10,000 on Molesworth street, the vicinity around the Dail was certainly packed around the Kildare street junction, and so I'd be willing to entertain the possibility of 10,000. Include every Georgian building staircase the crowds spilled into, then we're looking more promising. Perhaps though the figure maybe a little lower …More
I was at the vigil for life, and while its true to say that there was not 10,000 on Molesworth street, the vicinity around the Dail was certainly packed around the Kildare street junction, and so I'd be willing to entertain the possibility of 10,000. Include every Georgian building staircase the crowds spilled into, then we're looking more promising. Perhaps though the figure maybe a little lower by a touch, I'd say upwards of 8,000 were there, judging by the noise levels, and not bad for a Tuesday evening... God Bless the work!

