ST JOSEPH: A TREASURY - FREE PDF BOOK - 211 pages, Over 100 Colour Images, Countless Quotes from the Popes and the Saints! While researching for my previous work, St. Joseph: Prince of the Church, I …More
211 pages, Over 100 Colour Images, Countless Quotes from the Popes and the Saints!
While researching for my previous work, St. Joseph: Prince of the Church, I happened upon some wonderful quotes by the saints and popes regarding Joseph, the husband of Mary and the Virgin-Father of Christ – some of which I shared in my book, but many I had to leave out as it was not meant to focus wholly on the sayings of others. However, I still wanted to share these wonderful reflections with the faithful to show just how highly esteemed St. Joseph is in Holy Mother Church. Most were short and simple but still contained great themes to meditate on. But as beautiful as the quotes in my possession were, there were not enough to justify a new book. Reflections on Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin, given to us by holy men and women, would easily fill thousands upon thousands of pages, yet those of St. Joseph are a different matter. Though compiling these quotes may …More
211 pages