Domenico Alonzi
Domenico Alonzi

April 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday

Your right my friend, it is universal.
Domenico Alonzi

April 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday

Sorry my friend, you judge without wanting to know. This Church is Christ centered. I invite you to read the prophecies, to understand the Great deception, the smoke of Satan...
Domenico Alonzi

April 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday

I invite you to deepen the profound essence of this Church. This Church is totally Christian and Marian; protestants don't recognize Mary as the Mother of God. This is a Mystery of Love willed by the Father. Come to visit the Little Cradle, don't listen to those who changed the Lords prayer and do not teach the authentic Christian teachings changing the meaning of words. Remember Saul and David...
Domenico Alonzi

EASTER SUNDAY Samuel's homily, _Christ is Risen. Peace to you

It is an ancient religious symbol. Look up on that
Domenico Alonzi

EASTER SUNDAY Samuel's homily, _Christ is Risen. Peace to you

This is the Omniscient all seeing eye of the Father. King Salomon placed it in the Temple of Jerusalem. That later was destroyed by the Babylonians. What you see is an ancient symbol. The masonry have tried to change it's meaning. But it must remain a symbol of the Father
Domenico Alonzi

EASTER SUNDAY Samuel's homily, _Christ is Risen. Peace to you

I am sorry this is not a protestant service, for protestants do not worship Mary. I invite you to look in closer. You may be astonished...
Domenico Alonzi

"Dying to live, losing to gain." Revelations to Maria G. Norcia

I think you have a bigger problem. For he who says: "proselitism is a Solemn nonsense" speaks against the Holy word of Jesus. A sins against the Holy Spirit. Meditate my friend...there is more
Domenico Alonzi

"Dying to live, losing to gain." Revelations to Maria G. Norcia

Excommunicated by whom? On what basis? As Jesus said the tree must be judged by it's fruits.
Come to visit the little Cradles of the Baby Jesus to be filled with His love and to savor the fruits of the Father promised to His Children.
Domenico Alonzi

Palm Sunday. Be love, the Lord needs it

Yes it is. This is universal, this is the is authentic Christianity. A Church that wants to defend the true Christian doctrine. A together with Mary the Eternal Bride win
Domenico Alonzi

Fifth Sunday in Lent. The Dwelling Place of the Spirit And the house left deserted

Take a better look. You will see many profound Christian symbols. You can see the Omniscient all seeing eye of the Father and there is much more...
Domenico Alonzi

Mel Gibson speaks of "The Passion"

Your right Missy
Domenico Alonzi

Roche, "Theology of the Church Has Changed"

True. In a Revelation of Jesus to Maria G Norcia, Jesus says: "The Church will be in mourning..."
Domenico Alonzi

Mel Gibson speaks of "The Passion"

Domenico Alonzi

The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse Have Been Set Loose On East Palestine Ohio & Beyond!

Keep in mind that the Father would never abandon his children. He has given to the world a Holy Island, the White Island to survive all this.
Domenico Alonzi

Feb. 25, 2023, Vigil of the First Sunday of Lent,

Nothing can the Holy Spirit with those who are conceited and proud. Humble yourself
Domenico Alonzi

Meditations Home - Chiesa Cristiana Universale Della Nuova Gerusalemme

Venite e vedete! Poi il saggio giudicherà le grazie materiali e spirituali, cioè le guarigioni e conversioni elargite in questo luogo Santo
Domenico Alonzi

First Sunday of Lent " Lent: do not be sad but strong in taking His Hands" A D'Argento

The Omniscent all seeing eye of the Father! An ancient symbol used by King Salmon in the temple of Jerusalem destroyed by the Babylonians abused by the freemasonry. The Universal Christian Church of The New Jerusalem warns to return to its original meaning, I hope it is clear now.