Joao Vieira
Joao Vieira

Bishop Schneider: The Vatican [i.e. Francis] Is Betraying Christ

Open rant @ #vaticancom #vaticannews #Archbalt #NwkArchdiocese #Bishop-Athanasius-Schneider-180295712304484 : thank you Bishop Schneider! 🙂 , welcome to the choir : 🙂
"Ecclesiam nulla salus" is just a poor choice of words, by a lost soul and Iraneus initiated this mess, which contradicts Christ's life...And so because of these disconnected selfish wrds, we have been blind for many centuries...…More
Open rant @ #vaticancom #vaticannews #Archbalt #NwkArchdiocese #Bishop-Athanasius-Schneider-180295712304484 : thank you Bishop Schneider! 🙂 , welcome to the choir : 🙂

"Ecclesiam nulla salus" is just a poor choice of words, by a lost soul and Iraneus initiated this mess, which contradicts Christ's life...And so because of these disconnected selfish wrds, we have been blind for many centuries... coming from an insider like you, its Great News indeed!

This type of selfishness disconnect occurs in All major religions at some point at different levels I found, so now you know why I reached out to the Vatican and east coast Dioceses several times a couple of years ago, to expose this and other issues the Church has struggled with and I wanted to help and propose similar corrective action for the Roman Catholic Church baloney in this context, but there are other Big ongoing issues that constantly erode the foundation of the church, I can help, and that's a fact... not because I am that smart, it’s just because I connected the dots, but then as was stonewalled w “ are you a priest???” Case to say : OMG!!! 😁 so I went to my other church :)

Of course I am not a priest , if anything, I am a humble messenger of Great news like this (the Good news are Old news)... News like this, are the extraordinary Great news! I am not a full time Messiah, just a humble part timer and I said this first , sorry about that 🙂, but give you all the credit Because Irenaeus started this mess in the 1st century or so, and got worse from there ...

This is in part what gave way to the splitting and reformation of the Church , but not many of your colleagues like to read history or looked much into, and the ones that did , were punished often by the old carcasses at the Vatican , so congratulations!!!… I just say this: It took you all these years to get to be involved in these Great News, but there is a lot more of work to do!!! , so the Vatican should consider seriously having me as a part timer :) , or keep their head buried in the sand regarding a few more important items of serious importance like this one is.

Ireneaus gave way to Emperor Constantine having to step in at the Council of Nicea .., and several others messed the issue further, so I am very happy that you had the chutzpah to participate with the Pope to put the dots in the Is where they belong, so humanity can move forward from eating baloney sandwich everyday , to a better menu for everyone, but there is more, a lot more to do, and anyone feel free to reach out to me to discuss how do we upgrade with God’s grace Roman Catholic Church to 2.0, because I don’t want to tell anyone how to run their house when no one has been listening...