Edward Thomas Snyder
Edward Thomas Snyder

Historical Folly: Vatican Projects People's Altar Into The Middle Ages

Just as a matter of fact, Mass facing the People expanded starting in the 1940s:
Father Gerald Ellard, SJ, was a founder and associate editor of Orate Fratres/Worship and a prolific writer on liturgy. In his 1948 book The Mass of the Future (Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1948) he claims:
At the 1947 Liturgical Week in Portland the Masses were all celebrated versus populum with brilliant …More
Just as a matter of fact, Mass facing the People expanded starting in the 1940s:

Father Gerald Ellard, SJ, was a founder and associate editor of Orate Fratres/Worship and a prolific writer on liturgy. In his 1948 book The Mass of the Future (Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1948) he claims:
At the 1947 Liturgical Week in Portland the Masses were all celebrated versus populum with brilliant success…. (p. 271)
In some places bishops explicitly allowed the practice. Father Ellard quotes from two pastoral letters written by French bishops in 1945 and 1946, both making explicit allowance for Mass facing the people. He also describes the altar of a Church in Burlington, Vermont, built so that the priest can celebrate facing in either direction, and comments approvingly:
Perhaps in this double provision it is the real prototype of the setting of the Sacrifice of the Future. (p. 270)
Edward Thomas Snyder

Cardinal: St Paul Knew "Nothing" About Homosexuality

If the Greek text is in any way unclear, the Aramaic of 1Cor 6:9 is not:
(vla) [neither] (shkby) [males lying down] ('am) [with] dkra [males];
and to make it even clearer, shkb also means 'to rape' [the act of a male], dkr also refers to the male's reproductive organ, so there is no doubt at all of the meaning, that is a male with a second male.More
If the Greek text is in any way unclear, the Aramaic of 1Cor 6:9 is not:

(vla) [neither] (shkby) [males lying down] ('am) [with] dkra [males];

and to make it even clearer, shkb also means 'to rape' [the act of a male], dkr also refers to the male's reproductive organ, so there is no doubt at all of the meaning, that is a male with a second male.