Católicos de Rito Bizantino en Argentina (Католики …


Dios te pague German, la verdad que es un gran trabajo el que haces. Dios te bendiga. Gracias! El otro día logré enganchar un pedacito de este documental y me lamenté no verlo completo (tengo por gracia de Dios reliquia de este gran santo) , pero yo vi otra parte, será que esta es una segunda?, porque vi desde que nació hasta que llega a Huelva.

ОТЧЕ НАШ. Община УГКЦ во имя святого Андрея Первозванного, Одесса

It is wonderful to discover that much distance we have brothers who share the same faith!. I love and I thank you for uploading these videos here. We hear a little boy crying in the background! how beautiful, is not very different from here, everything is done by our Church is made with love and commitment. Greetings from the Byzantine Catholic Community in Argentina around a studit monks monastery …Más
It is wonderful to discover that much distance we have brothers who share the same faith!. I love and I thank you for uploading these videos here. We hear a little boy crying in the background! how beautiful, is not very different from here, everything is done by our Church is made with love and commitment. Greetings from the Byzantine Catholic Community in Argentina around a studit monks monastery , belonging to the UGCC here. Good bless you.