Father John Matthew Duffy
Father John Matthew Duffy

Authoritarian Cardinal Reiterates His Ban On Roman Mass

“Authoritarian” Cardinal ??? Or effeminate imposter opportunist Cardinal ???
Father John Matthew Duffy

If we sincerely love God

This is precisely the problem - straight to the point.
Encouraging sodomy is not “charity” - and being inclusive of abortion legislation is not “just”.
And the satanic misuse of the Christian Virtues to normalize evil is something from hell.
Ironically, the “liberals” ( ie ; ‘fascists’ ) who constantly speak of “tolerance” have no tolerance - at all - for the full and exclusive and revealed …More
This is precisely the problem - straight to the point.

Encouraging sodomy is not “charity” - and being inclusive of abortion legislation is not “just”.

And the satanic misuse of the Christian Virtues to normalize evil is something from hell.

Ironically, the “liberals” ( ie ; ‘fascists’ ) who constantly speak of “tolerance” have no tolerance - at all - for the full and exclusive and revealed Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ…
Father John Matthew Duffy

God Is Sick of Them: Francis' Model Church Reduced to a Pile of Rubble

What is “toxic” is the attack against Truth of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
Do you not find it odd that Pope Francis does not consider it “toxic” to enthrone demonesses and triumphantly fly sodomite flags at Mass ?
Father John Matthew Duffy

Money: Francis Drives Church Against a Wall

Communists and witches have never been known to be good fund managers …
Father John Matthew Duffy

Bishop: “Does Francis Want The Roman Masses to Be Celebrated In Gyms Or Parish Halls?”

The authentic Catholic Christian Faith is being forced underground anyway. The Traditional Mass will survive and thrive through necessity. By their own hand, the Modernist Vatican shuttered ALL Masses in March of 2020. Though the Modernist bishops think themselves clever by committing adultery with the world, but it is they who have made themselves redundant. Believing priests have not been welcome …More
The authentic Catholic Christian Faith is being forced underground anyway. The Traditional Mass will survive and thrive through necessity. By their own hand, the Modernist Vatican shuttered ALL Masses in March of 2020. Though the Modernist bishops think themselves clever by committing adultery with the world, but it is they who have made themselves redundant. Believing priests have not been welcome in the counterfeit church for over fifty years now - so banning the Traditional Mass is just another stark reminder that Christ’s Church has been hijacked.

“You have the buildings but we have the Faith”

- St. Athanasius
Father John Matthew Duffy

Secret Commission: Is Francis Preparing His Next Attack On the Church?

We have had two popes living at the same time in history for over eight straight years now. They each believe in a religion that mutually excludes and condemns the other. One religion leads to heaven - and the other religion leads to hell. By it’s very nature, this absurd situation cannot and must not continue. Though a tactic of the cowardly and the evil is to ignore a problem, a house on fire …More
We have had two popes living at the same time in history for over eight straight years now. They each believe in a religion that mutually excludes and condemns the other. One religion leads to heaven - and the other religion leads to hell. By it’s very nature, this absurd situation cannot and must not continue. Though a tactic of the cowardly and the evil is to ignore a problem, a house on fire burning to the ground cannot be ignored…
Father John Matthew Duffy

Cardinal Dolan: “Priests MUST Take Vaccine”

Though the world has always been the enemy of Christ,
The apocalyptic “uncharted territory” of today is that the worldly church has melded to the world.
There is a false Bergoglian “unity” that has been achieved through the diabolical suppression of authentic Christian Doctrine. When asked as to what was the true message of the Third Secret of Fatima, St. Pio responded ; “Beware of bishops !”.
Father John Matthew Duffy

Cardinal Dolan: “Priests MUST Take Vaccine”

We are being forced underground. That’s okay - just like in the early Church.
Father John Matthew Duffy

Cardinal Dolan: “Priests MUST Take Vaccine”

I am a priest. I will never take the vaccine. I tell everybody I meet that they are not morally obligated to take the fruit-of-infanticide “vaccine”. No soul is obliged to obey an unjust order. And bishops like Cardinal Dolan have reduced themselves to being “funded” ( paid ) employees of anti-Christian governments. Paid by the state to slap out prophetic priests and to cooperate with evil government …More
I am a priest. I will never take the vaccine. I tell everybody I meet that they are not morally obligated to take the fruit-of-infanticide “vaccine”. No soul is obliged to obey an unjust order. And bishops like Cardinal Dolan have reduced themselves to being “funded” ( paid ) employees of anti-Christian governments. Paid by the state to slap out prophetic priests and to cooperate with evil government authority, they have cheapened the Apostolic Office. In what age is this when the Apostles are the ones who wage war against Christ ?

Father John Matthew Duffy
Toronto, Canada