Damian Keller
Damian Keller

Fr. Isaac: say NO to fake vaccine

He's absolutely correct as there are so many Commandments that are violated. It is already admitted that aborted fetal tissue is used in vaccine and other medications' development. Where did they get human RNA? Abortion IS the "high black mass" in that the innocent are sacrificed, within the temple that God created, to the false idols of this world.
Damian Keller

Fr. Isaac: say NO to fake vaccine

Condemning it when it is developed using aborted fetal tissue is, however. As was already shown un Project Veritas reports from whistleblowers and the subsequent admission by administrative officials in healthcare that denied religious exemptions to healthcare workers. It is also a well established fact that the NIH grants fund development of many vaccines and medications using aborted fetal tissue …More
Condemning it when it is developed using aborted fetal tissue is, however. As was already shown un Project Veritas reports from whistleblowers and the subsequent admission by administrative officials in healthcare that denied religious exemptions to healthcare workers. It is also a well established fact that the NIH grants fund development of many vaccines and medications using aborted fetal tissue. Therefore, Fr Relyea is absolutely right to condemn it based upon violating the 5th, 7th and 1th Commandments in particular with others also in cnsideration.

for consideration.