Edie Loughmiller
Edie Loughmiller

URGENT: Pray for young Texas woman with brain injury having her nutrition and hydration withdrawn - …

The look of terror in Margo's eyes when she hears her mother record the FaceBook video announcing the withholding of her food and water is absolutely horrible. Reminds me of the cruelty that Scott Peck documented in his book, The People of the Lie.
Edie Loughmiller

Why Conservatives Are Easily Deceived « The Thinking Housewife

I tend to agree with her assessment of it being a "clown show" - pretty well staged, basic drama school trick of slapping fake blood on the ear.
Edie Loughmiller


WARNING: HEART-BREAKING CONTENT. I regret watching this, and you might too.
Edie Loughmiller

New Zealand: Transalpine Redemptorists Kicked Out

Fr Anthony Mary explained the situation back in 2023 in a YouTube video. I think it boils down to some complaints made by a few unhappy parishioners who were keeping things stirred up over some petty criticisms.
Edie Loughmiller

Project Veritas

Google does have a strong bias against religious content on the internet. I attended a conference where a Google employee explained how a company using their Chromebooks can setup Admin controls to block employees from accessing religious websites. This was the quote that really got my attention: "We will block all porn and religious websites."
Edie Loughmiller

The Six Best American Cities To Raise A Catholic Family (According To Reddit)

I was thinking about that, too. Topeka is also close to a thriving Fraternity community in Maple Hill. But, Wichita seems to have been working hard at promoting vocations for some time now - maybe that's the difference. Wichita has a little SSPX Chapel, a strong Indult TLM group, but no Fraternity presence. 🤔
Edie Loughmiller

The Church History of Eusebius. Translated with Prolegomena and Notes, by the Rev. Arthur Cushman …

As the translator states, "The constant endeavor has been to reproduce as nearly as possible, both the substance and form of the original, and in view of the peculiar need of accuracy in such a work as the present, it has seemed better in doubtful cases to run the risk of erring in the direction of over-literalness rather than in that of undue license."
Thank you for the link. I've downloaded it …More
As the translator states, "The constant endeavor has been to reproduce as nearly as possible, both the substance and form of the original, and in view of the peculiar need of accuracy in such a work as the present, it has seemed better in doubtful cases to run the risk of erring in the direction of over-literalness rather than in that of undue license."
Thank you for the link. I've downloaded it for easy reading. I love "over-literalness" 😍
Edie Loughmiller

María, Rosa Mystica, is an apparition in Montichiari, Italy 1947, to Pierina Gilli

I think you would like a youtube video that Fr Michael Mary of the Transalpine Redemptorists did about 3 years ago. At about the 22 minute mark he gives a very good talk about Rosa Mystica - rather passionate in his special Redemptorist style.
Bonnie Prince & Rosa Mystica ~ Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Edie Loughmiller

Le Vatican excommunie Mgr Viganò

The faithful who have attended the Masses of the SSPX over the years are quite familiar with the excommunication game. I think most of them would say that they've been there and done that, and therefore they are confident that Mgr Vigano will be able to handle this blip on the radar.
Edie Loughmiller

Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television: The Effects of Watching TV – Mother Earth News

I have come to think of the television as a Portal bringing darkness and evil into people's homes and lives. When you try to tell them that they will be happier and feel better if they stop watching the News, they simply won't believe it. It's everyone's civic duty to watch the News, right?
Edie Loughmiller

'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system …

It's never too late to learn another language. Latin used to be taught in American public schools, and much of the vocab is similar to English and Spanish. And, to help us along, the Missal gives us a good parallel translation.
Edie Loughmiller

Francis Discards the Psalms

Would it be possible for you to share the prayer you composed? Maybe copy/paste it on this thread of comments? I would love to have a copy.
Edie Loughmiller

Earliest manuscript of Gospel about Jesus’s childhood discovered

This makes me think of a little song, well loved by generations of Catholic children. . . .
When Jesus Christ was four years old,
The angels brought Him toys of gold,
Which no man ever had bought or sold.
And yet with these He would not play.
He made Him small fowl out of clay,
And blessed them till they flew away.
Tu creasti, Domine.
Jesus Christ, Thou child so wise,
Bless mine hands and fill mine …More
This makes me think of a little song, well loved by generations of Catholic children. . . .

When Jesus Christ was four years old,
The angels brought Him toys of gold,
Which no man ever had bought or sold.

And yet with these He would not play.
He made Him small fowl out of clay,
And blessed them till they flew away.

Tu creasti, Domine.
Jesus Christ, Thou child so wise,
Bless mine hands and fill mine eyes,
And bring my soul to Paradise.
Edie Loughmiller

True Israel!

This is really good. Did you write it, or can you tell me where you found it?
Edie Loughmiller

MADNESS: Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

The Taliban would probably re-deploy them to murder more innocent victims.
Edie Loughmiller

Dra. Carrie Madej... La vacuna antitetánica causa esterilidad y abortos espontáneos, y se utiliza …

On this same subject, the "P" in the DPT shot is for pertussis, which we used to call Whooping Cough. These days it's called the "100 Day Cough." And this past winter a lot of people in my town had it. Many were older adults who had been vaccinated for it every 10 years, when they received the DPT shot. Obviously, the vaccine didn't help prevent the disease (whooping cough), so the medical establishment …More
On this same subject, the "P" in the DPT shot is for pertussis, which we used to call Whooping Cough. These days it's called the "100 Day Cough." And this past winter a lot of people in my town had it. Many were older adults who had been vaccinated for it every 10 years, when they received the DPT shot. Obviously, the vaccine didn't help prevent the disease (whooping cough), so the medical establishment skirted around the issue by renaming the disease, calling it the 100 Day Cough. This is another case of vaccine lies and fraud, in my opinion.
Edie Loughmiller

First Saturday Meditation on The Agony in the Garden, taken from The Passion of Jesus and It's Hidden …

The Fatima Center MEDIA | The Fatima Center I received the link to this one by email after I signed up for their First Saturday campaign. Sorry, but I can't find an exact link to the meditations.
Edie Loughmiller

USA - The FSSP has ordained 11 new priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass

What about being forced by the Bishop to send young couples to the Diocesan marriage prep classes? Not only is the teaching compromised, but so would be the other couples attending.
Edie Loughmiller

USA - The FSSP has ordained 11 new priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass

Not everyone stays trapped. Many people see the insidious compromises and are forced by their conscience to leave. They had to see it for themselves - the cat and mouse game the Bishops play with their FSSP mice.