Edie Loughmiller
Edie Loughmiller

Earliest manuscript of Gospel about Jesus’s childhood discovered

This makes me think of a little song, well loved by generations of Catholic children. . . .
When Jesus Christ was four years old,
The angels brought Him toys of gold,
Which no man ever had bought or sold.
And yet with these He would not play.
He made Him small fowl out of clay,
And blessed them till they flew away.
Tu creasti, Domine.
Jesus Christ, Thou child so wise,
Bless mine hands and fill mine …More
This makes me think of a little song, well loved by generations of Catholic children. . . .

When Jesus Christ was four years old,
The angels brought Him toys of gold,
Which no man ever had bought or sold.

And yet with these He would not play.
He made Him small fowl out of clay,
And blessed them till they flew away.

Tu creasti, Domine.
Jesus Christ, Thou child so wise,
Bless mine hands and fill mine eyes,
And bring my soul to Paradise.
Edie Loughmiller

True Israel!

This is really good. Did you write it, or can you tell me where you found it?
Edie Loughmiller

MADNESS: Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

The Taliban would probably re-deploy them to murder more innocent victims.
Edie Loughmiller

Dra. Carrie Madej... La vacuna antitetánica causa esterilidad y abortos espontáneos, y se utiliza …

On this same subject, the "P" in the DPT shot is for pertussis, which we used to call Whooping Cough. These days it's called the "100 Day Cough." And this past winter a lot of people in my town had it. Many were older adults who had been vaccinated for it every 10 years, when they received the DPT shot. Obviously, the vaccine didn't help prevent the disease (whooping cough), so the medical establishment …More
On this same subject, the "P" in the DPT shot is for pertussis, which we used to call Whooping Cough. These days it's called the "100 Day Cough." And this past winter a lot of people in my town had it. Many were older adults who had been vaccinated for it every 10 years, when they received the DPT shot. Obviously, the vaccine didn't help prevent the disease (whooping cough), so the medical establishment skirted around the issue by renaming the disease, calling it the 100 Day Cough. This is another case of vaccine lies and fraud, in my opinion.
Edie Loughmiller

First Saturday Meditation on The Agony in the Garden, taken from The Passion of Jesus and It's Hidden …

The Fatima Center MEDIA | The Fatima Center I received the link to this one by email after I signed up for their First Saturday campaign. Sorry, but I can't find an exact link to the meditations.
Edie Loughmiller

USA - The FSSP has ordained 11 new priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass

What about being forced by the Bishop to send young couples to the Diocesan marriage prep classes? Not only is the teaching compromised, but so would be the other couples attending.
Edie Loughmiller

USA - The FSSP has ordained 11 new priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass

Not everyone stays trapped. Many people see the insidious compromises and are forced by their conscience to leave. They had to see it for themselves - the cat and mouse game the Bishops play with their FSSP mice.
Edie Loughmiller

Abandon Narcissist's "Inner Child" Before it KILLS YOU! (Developmental Delay, Age, Amnesia) - For …

In one of his other videos, he explains that he has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
Edie Loughmiller

Abandon Narcissist's "Inner Child" Before it KILLS YOU! (Developmental Delay, Age, Amnesia) - For …

Wow! I'm going to be following Prof Sam Vaknin on YouTube. Has anyone ever addressed the question of whether a narcissist actually has an immortal soul?
Edie Loughmiller

The Religious Battle Behind Harrison Butker’s Culture-War Speech

Interesting article, esp the background info on Benedictine.
Edie Loughmiller

Does anyone have any guess? any guess at all? why Biden makes the sign of the cross when discussing …

You asked for guesses. Mine is Requiescant in Pace - like when people cross themselves when passing by a cemetery.
Edie Loughmiller

St Lukes Gallery Episode 29 - Coronation of the Virgin

Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia!
Edie Loughmiller

Faustina Kowalska’s unbelievable hubris

Likewise at the Saint Frances Cabrini shrine in Golden, Colorado. Even though she is the Foundress of the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I've been told that there is not a single image of the Sacred Heart to be seen, but Divine Mercy pictures are plastered everywhere.
Saint Mother Cabrini pray for us!
Edie Loughmiller

Anima Christi (Soul of Christ) - Catholic Prayer

do you have a youtube link for this?
Edie Loughmiller

The Eclipse and the Annunciation - The Catholic Thing

How beautiful! Thanks for posting this!
Edie Loughmiller

Seder Meals Violate the 1st Commandment

Eye-opening history lesson. Lots of people I know are planning little Seder Meals as group activities. I'm glad you posted this.
Edie Loughmiller

Stabat Mater (composed by Peter Kwasniewski)

A "Literal Translation" is just what I've been needing, to help me fully appreciate this beautiful Latin hymn.