nick sweeney
nick sweeney

One Was Not Enough: Francis Hangs Up Second Judas in His Study

"A fool thinks himself to be wise. A wise man knows himself to be a fool."
"There is massive confusion in the Church about where exactly the Pope stands on all matters. Even though a thorough assessment clearly shows the Pope backing everything anti-Catholic and pro-Satan (Continously insulting, degrading and trying to humiliate God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, our Most …More
"A fool thinks himself to be wise. A wise man knows himself to be a fool."

"There is massive confusion in the Church about where exactly the Pope stands on all matters. Even though a thorough assessment clearly shows the Pope backing everything anti-Catholic and pro-Satan (Continously insulting, degrading and trying to humiliate God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, our Most Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary and the Vicar of Christ's Office, Abortion is no big deal, Amoris Laetitia [Mortal Sin is OK], Laudato Si [Advancing Climate-Change-UN Sustainable Development Goals, Pachamama [devil-worship], Fratelli Tutti [pure freemasonic], promoting "Vaccinations" [depopulation-mass genocide], Corruption of Children with his education Alliance [UN sustainable goals], continuously sowing confusion among the novus-ordo Catholics and trying to lead them to hell - to mention just few) there are cardinals and bishops who suggest the Pope means the opposite.

For those who knew Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio prior to his election to the pontificate, this is nothing new. I spoke to a few priests from Buenos Aires who worked with Cardinal Bergoglio in different capacities and from them learned that confusion is emblematic of his ministry. One anecdote in particular was very instructive. I was told that people from opposite camps would both come out of meetings with Cardinal Bergoglio believing he supported their position. “He’s with us but can’t say so publicly,” they would relate, as would those who met with him from the opposing camp.
While in an archdiocese this may work for a time, this learned priest told me, in the Vatican where just about everything the Pope says is trumpeted to the world, these kinds of discrepancies become evident more quickly. Francis, the priest told me, is very much a Peronist — named for former Argentina President Juan Domingo Perón. Like Perón, Pope Francis plays with both left wing (Jews/Rothschilds/Freemasons/Big Pharma/Wall Street) and right wing (Islam/Protestants/The World's Poor) factions.

The priest tells a story about President Peron that helps to understand Francis. Once Peron was in his car and at a fork in the road his driver asked him which way he would like to go, to which Peron replied: “Put the flicker on for a right turn, but go left.” One last note about Bergoglio, related by the priest, is that when pushed, he will go left out of a great apprehension of being labeled a right-winger by the media.

Shortly after the publication of Amoris Laetitia, a forward-thinking critic warned that it would become unworkable for the Church if the bishops in Germany would wink at divorce and remarriage while across the border in Poland it would be mortally sinful. Yet who could have envisioned that we’d see bishops and cardinals voicing opposing opinions on what the Pope himself believes and teaches?

The dichotomy is clear evidence that the Pope himself, in refusing to clarify (his position on One World Religion/New World Order/The Great Reset/Freemasonry/Satanism etc)despite the formal and public request of the four Cardinals and associated pleas by countless other Catholic clergy and laity, is guilty of betraying the entire Church. By letting this charade continue he has sown confusion into the hearts of the faithful. This confusion could lead to mortal sin and thus eternal damnation.
Pope Francis is indeed playing with fire. Hell fire and so is everyone who follows him.

Pope Francis is indeed playing with fire. Hell fire."