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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

I understand your confusion. #Sedevacantist
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Yeah, keep on thinking...St. Paul was right - women should keep silent.
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Thank you, Angie W. Truth is sometimes hard to swallow. In the end, Our Lady will triumph!
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

"Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist" Our Lady of La Sallete I guess she was right!
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Homosexual "problem"? I guess you haven't heard, it's a DAMNABLE SIN!
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

And what would be my sin? Telling truth?
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

This is just what the doctor ordered for all of you apostates:
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

I drive 2 hours to reach a Valid Mass with a Valid Priest, because as Bergoglio says, "There's no harm with a little bread and wine." The False prophet Bergoglio, doesn't even believe or has the faith. I thank God you all don't receive the Blessed Sacrament and only receive break and wine, otherwise, you'd be stomping all over my Lord as your filthy, unconsecrated hands, dust off the particles of …More
I drive 2 hours to reach a Valid Mass with a Valid Priest, because as Bergoglio says, "There's no harm with a little bread and wine." The False prophet Bergoglio, doesn't even believe or has the faith. I thank God you all don't receive the Blessed Sacrament and only receive break and wine, otherwise, you'd be stomping all over my Lord as your filthy, unconsecrated hands, dust off the particles of what is supposed to be MY LORD JESUS!!!
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

I just listened to a valid priest speaking about how they refer to one of the Novus Ordo seminary's as the "Pink Palace." You figure it out - you're smart?
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Here are two connections that 'might' bring you up to speed, if you're honest with yourself: #NovusOrdoWatch (Twitter) and wcbohio (YouTube)
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Seriously? It's anyone in the Vatican II apostate sect, including himself.
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

It looks like he is finally agreeing with us Sedevacantists.
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Yeah, the Apostate sect of Vatican II has that as a new tradition - speaking in forked tongues.
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It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

Ah, he did! The Vatican II apostate sect. That's ALL of you including himself. #Sedevacantist #SSPV #wcbohio (youtube) #NovusOrdoWatch (Twitter)