
It's Apostasy, Not Schism – Cardinal Burke

The present Church does find herself in apostasy from the Faith - not in schism, Cardinal Raymond Burke told TheWandererPress.com (January 17). Bishops, priests and laypeople “have effectively abandoned …More
The present Church does find herself in apostasy from the Faith - not in schism, Cardinal Raymond Burke told TheWandererPress.com (January 17).
Bishops, priests and laypeople “have effectively abandoned the Catholic Faith by espousing teachings and practices that are contrary to the Deposit of Faith”, he added.
Burke criticises “the silence of so many cardinals and bishops” who should defend the Faith “vocally” because in the Church's tremendous confusion and growing division it “can never be right” to remain silent.
Picture: Raymond Burke, #newsSiirnocwtl
Ecce sacerdos magnus
la verdad prevalece
If it is schism, heresy and apostasy. Cardinal Burke denies that it is schism because he insists on remaining in full communion with the apostate Bergoglio:
It is an INVERSE SCHISM since the one who joins Bergoglio is separated from Christ and from St. Peter therefore EVERY catholic who is in full communion with apostate Bergoglio has fallen into SCHISM against Jesus Christ has joined the anti-church …More
If it is schism, heresy and apostasy. Cardinal Burke denies that it is schism because he insists on remaining in full communion with the apostate Bergoglio:
It is an INVERSE SCHISM since the one who joins Bergoglio is separated from Christ and from St. Peter therefore EVERY catholic who is in full communion with apostate Bergoglio has fallen into SCHISM against Jesus Christ has joined the anti-church and has separated from the Church founded by Christ, has rejected the Gospel of Christ to believe in the anti-Gospel of Bergoglio, has denied the Catholic Creed, the Catholic God, the baptismal promises, the Our Father, the Virgin Mary, the Commandments of the Church and the Commandments of the Laws of God
la verdad prevalece
The message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Father Gobbi
11/03/1995: «My secret concerns the Church. In the Church, the great apostasy, which will spread throughout the whole world, will be brought to its completion; the schism will take place through a general alienation from the Gospel and from the true faith. There will enter into the Church the man of iniquity, who opposes himself to Christ,…More
The message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Father Gobbi

11/03/1995: «My secret concerns the Church. In the Church, the great apostasy, which will spread throughout the whole world, will be brought to its completion; the schism will take place through a general alienation from the Gospel and from the true faith. There will enter into the Church the man of iniquity, who opposes himself to Christ, and who will bring into her interior the abomination of desolation, thus bringing to fulfillment the horrible sacrilege, of which the prophet Daniel has spoken.
Defining apostasy seems to be the short-term way out of the overwhelming trauma of the Church crisis. However avoidance in dealing with the present schism can make problems worse in the long-term due to growing confusion. The Churchmen release themselves from action and the duty of revealing truth of attacks against, disobedience towards and rejection of the auhority of living pope Benedict XVI - …More
Defining apostasy seems to be the short-term way out of the overwhelming trauma of the Church crisis. However avoidance in dealing with the present schism can make problems worse in the long-term due to growing confusion. The Churchmen release themselves from action and the duty of revealing truth of attacks against, disobedience towards and rejection of the auhority of living pope Benedict XVI - (that is schism). Thereby reducing reality only to apostasy lessens everybodies culpability for the present chaos. Cardinal and Church is between "Scylla and Charybdis" - two monsters "apostasy and schism" - and two popes Benedict XVI and Francis. One can only imagine the consequences if this truth was revealed by the Cardinal. For now it seems that confused Churchmen are accumulating and leaving problems for future generations to be dealt with.
I think considering their station, and if your conclusion is accurate they are guilty of cowardice.
I like your post
Give me a break
Yeah, keep on thinking...St. Paul was right - women should keep silent.
Well god Cardinals and priests, read below for a quick snapshot of what silence in your ranks has created.
O Holy Mary Ever Virgin and conceived without sin: Pray for us that have recourse to thee
Give me a break
VIi is in its self an apostacy and it otomatically implies schism.
Give me a break
"Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist" Our Lady of La Sallete I guess she was right!
Angie W.
Bergoglio was already a mason, a contumacious heretic, and an apostate in Argentina. The Magisterium of the Church declares that the election of a heretic, child or woman as pope is invalid and void.
Give me a break
Thank you, Angie W. Truth is sometimes hard to swallow. In the end, Our Lady will triumph!
Give me a break
This is just what the doctor ordered for all of you apostates: www.youtube.com/watch
Give me a break
Give me a break
I drive 2 hours to reach a Valid Mass with a Valid Priest, because as Bergoglio says, "There's no harm with a little bread and wine." The False prophet Bergoglio, doesn't even believe or has the faith. I thank God you all don't receive the Blessed Sacrament and only receive break and wine, otherwise, you'd be stomping all over my Lord as your filthy, unconsecrated hands, dust off the particles of …More
I drive 2 hours to reach a Valid Mass with a Valid Priest, because as Bergoglio says, "There's no harm with a little bread and wine." The False prophet Bergoglio, doesn't even believe or has the faith. I thank God you all don't receive the Blessed Sacrament and only receive break and wine, otherwise, you'd be stomping all over my Lord as your filthy, unconsecrated hands, dust off the particles of what is supposed to be MY LORD JESUS!!!
Again when did you conclude the Seat of Peter was Empty?
I do not receive our Lord in the hand (s) but kneeling at an Altar Rail.
I have made many sacrifices over the years,(Deo Gratias) to obtain the Holy Faith for my family, and myself and we all stay close to the sacraments including confession. Something you might consider.
Nicene Creed can go here.
Give me a break
And what would be my sin? Telling truth?
Accusing an entire unknown audience of Apostasy?
Give me a break
I understand your confusion. #Sedevacantist
Give me a break
I just listened to a valid priest speaking about how they refer to one of the Novus Ordo seminary's as the "Pink Palace." You figure it out - you're smart?
Having a homosexual problem with some of the clergy does not make the church apostate.
Give me a break
Homosexual "problem"? I guess you haven't heard, it's a DAMNABLE SIN!
Give me a break
Here are two connections that 'might' bring you up to speed, if you're honest with yourself: #NovusOrdoWatch (Twitter) and wcbohio (YouTube)
I am honest with myself. At what point according to you did The Seat of Peter become vacant?
Give me a break
How does a Cardinal state such a thing and not publicly call out the Apostate (s) ?
Give me a break
Ah, he did! The Vatican II apostate sect. That's ALL of you including himself. #Sedevacantist #SSPV #wcbohio (youtube) #NovusOrdoWatch (Twitter)
@Give me a break your blanket statement, and erroneous conclusions do not lend much merit to your position.
In fact it only highlights Cardinal Burke`s concerns for The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Catholics stay faithful to The Bride of Christ. Do not surrender to despair, and do not leave the field.
half truth
Give me a break
Yeah, the Apostate sect of Vatican II has that as a new tradition - speaking in forked tongues.
Well, somebody has finally said it. Prayers for the protection of Cardinal Burke.
Give me a break
It looks like he is finally agreeing with us Sedevacantists.
Legio Mariae
God bless Cardinal Burke!🙏🙏🙏
It's apostasy but why can't he says who??!!!
Give me a break
Seriously? It's anyone in the Vatican II apostate sect, including himself.
That's not what I mean. I'm saying he's too afraid to call out those in error. Although, it would be hypocritical to call others out since he is in error as well so he too would have to admit he is in error.
Apostacy is the only word. Of course , that brings up hard questions; Is Francis an apostate? If so, is he the pope? How about all the other bishops who deny the faith?
Amen! Amen! Amen!