Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos
Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos

Schneider: Francis Like Luther, Contradicts Church Teaching

Did he ask people to take the jab! A leader of a church
Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos

Are you getting the vaccine? Watch this first!

Wait they made a virus to make a virus hahaha
Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos

Are you getting the vaccine? Watch this first!

I think any medicine you take there’s a risk I mean look at the commercials about heart diabetes or what ever it was may cause death.
Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos

Big Pharma Eyes Next Childhood Vaccine Cash Cow — mRNA Vaccines for RSV

I wonder why they call it big pharma
Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos

Dr Sean Brooks, PHD, Oxford, 48 publications, 23 Books. “Getting the Vaccine will cause your death”…

Honestly I been trying to look for those 48 publications have anyone seen them?? I think he’s a fake doctor
Jose Roberto Arredonda-Ramos

You ever looked at something and wondered how it got there?

Biden got 306 electoral votes and you only need 270 to win