Catholic Vote: The recent push for radical abortion laws is not what you think. I wish I could be this optimistic. If everyone calling themselves pro-life were seriously involved (I'm talking to myself …More
Catholic Vote: The recent push for radical abortion laws is not what you think.

I wish I could be this optimistic.

If everyone calling themselves pro-life were seriously involved (I'm talking to myself as well), this message could be true.
Serious involvement is simple and it has nothing to do with voting "pro-life," per se. Most "pro-life" groups are inevitably fractious and splintered along various ideological and religious grounds. As such, they're outspoken and a concern for politicians, but nowhere as effective as they could be if the joined forces. Instead, if you're going to donate your time and money for a "pro-life" cause, …More
Serious involvement is simple and it has nothing to do with voting "pro-life," per se. Most "pro-life" groups are inevitably fractious and splintered along various ideological and religious grounds. As such, they're outspoken and a concern for politicians, but nowhere as effective as they could be if the joined forces. Instead, if you're going to donate your time and money for a "pro-life" cause, give them both to groups who are "pro-life" in a slightly different sense. They want to protect your right to protect yourself.

Yes, I'm talking about "gun groups" like the NRA and others. What?!?! How does that stop abortion? Simple. The reality of American politics is candidates offer a "package deal". The pro-gun candidates are always, always pro-life. It's almost unheard-of for a "pro-gun" candidate to support abortion. As a rule, no. Politicians on both sides fear and respect the single-mindedness of the "gun lobby." They're fanatic, entirely one-issue voters as we who defend the rights of the unborn should be.

Most "gun-people" have finally learned how the unified left uses divide-and-conquer tactics to beat them. The hunter MUST support the prepper and vice versa. The scoped, bolt-action rifle a hunter uses isn't very different than the darker, weatherized "sniper" version that appeals to the prepper. Hunters once thought "letting them have the military rifles" wouldn't affect their own interests, but the decades following have taught most of them the error of this.

For a long time, the pro-life movement has been taking credit for electing conservative politicians who were, in fact, infinitely more concerned about appeasing the "gun people". That knowlege should guide where your time and donations go. :)