Donald Trump's message to Catholics
The best way to honor and recognize the achievement of the Catholic Church is NOT to promote LBGT causes by holding up the rainbow flag at one of your events.
Meeting Emma Bonino: Shame on Francis Bergoglio!
Holy Cannoli
On Election Day in America, Pope Meets With Italy’s Most Famous Abortionist
It is on this momentous occasion (The Presidential Election in the United States) that Pope Francis, an astute master of symbolic gestures, has chosen to meet with Emma Bonino, Italy’s most famous (and unrepentant) promoter of abortion — and his personal friend. If you are unfamiliar with the name, Bonino is a radical …More
On Election Day in America, Pope Meets With Italy’s Most Famous Abortionist

It is on this momentous occasion (The Presidential Election in the United States) that Pope Francis, an astute master of symbolic gestures, has chosen to meet with Emma Bonino, Italy’s most famous (and unrepentant) promoter of abortion — and his personal friend. If you are unfamiliar with the name, Bonino is a radical politician and former abortionist who claims to have performed as many as 10,000 abortions in a single year. As Hilary White wrote earlier this year.

I voted for you today!
God`s Speed Mr. Trump!