
Halleluja-Procession. Dancers and seminarians of the Fiji Islands during the Final Mass of World Youth Day

With destractions such as these we forget the real reason for the Mass!
To me the Pope looked like he was in pain to have to continue to watch this. He looked relieved when the New Testiment was handed over to the Deacon/Priest.
The Mass is NOT the place to dance and sing at. It is supposed to be a solumn worship of God. By allowing this to continue to happen what does it show the youth? That the …More
With destractions such as these we forget the real reason for the Mass!

To me the Pope looked like he was in pain to have to continue to watch this. He looked relieved when the New Testiment was handed over to the Deacon/Priest.

The Mass is NOT the place to dance and sing at. It is supposed to be a solumn worship of God. By allowing this to continue to happen what does it show the youth? That the Mass is nothing but entertainment to watch. No Mass is the place for something like this to happen reguardless if it is inside a Church or outside. If you want to sing and dance do it at home not at church.

If this had happened in a church at home with any kind of dancing I would have got up and left. Then reported it to the bishop.

Its because of these reasons that I hate to go on vacation and have to go to a different church because I never know what kind of horror I'll walk into on any given Sunday. I would rather go to confession saying that I left Mass early than deal with that.