Bishop John
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Questionable Vatican Advisor Makes Questionable Claims About "Deaconesses"

Women served in the first millennium as deacons “in sacramental roles,” Phyllis Zagano claimed in front of a gullible (January 15). Zagano is a dissident American theologian and …More
Women served in the first millennium as deacons “in sacramental roles,” Phyllis Zagano claimed in front of a gullible (January 15).
Zagano is a dissident American theologian and advocate for "deaconesses". Nevertheless, Pope Francis appointed her to a commission on female deacons that finished its work in June.
She mentions alleged "sacramental" activities such as anointing ill women and female Catechumens, [allegedly] bringing Holy Communion to ill women, and inspecting the body of women beaten by their husbands.
However, old sources like the “Apostolic Constitution” (4th century) point out that "a deaconess does not bless, nor perform anything belonging to the office of priests or deacons” but has “to minister to the priests in the baptizing of women on account of decency”.
Further, Zagano makes the wrong statement that ordination ceremonies for deaconesses were "identical" to the ordination ceremonies deacons.
But the prayers of the ordination of deacons referred …More
Bishop John shares from

Francis Puts Compromised Prelates In Charges Where They Can Blackmail Others

The cases of Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta and Msgr. Battista Ricca show that Pope Francis protects his friends regardless of his professed commitment to accountability, Phil Lawler noticed on …More
The cases of Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta and Msgr. Battista Ricca show that Pope Francis protects his friends regardless of his professed commitment to accountability, Phil Lawler noticed on (January 11).
Zanchetta and Ricca have both been charged with grave homosexual misconduct, yet Francis has found Vatican jobs for them where they are responsible for detecting misconduct by others,
"Both were obvious potential targets for blackmail. And they were put in positions where they might have ample opportunity to blackmail others."
According to Lawyer with Francis the Vatican has moved backward on two crucial fronts: the fight against homosexual abuse and the quest for financial transparency.
He concludes that in this pontificate, "the cause of reform is dead, unless the reform begins with the Pontiff himself."
Picture: Battista Ricca, Gustavo Zanchetta, #newsGvpwmoptis