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US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church." It contains …More
Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church."
It contains interviews with US bishops, who must of course remain anonymous.
One bishop tells Maier that "a pope should be the principle of unity in the Church; instead Francis is promoting ambiguity that feeds division" (, 10 June).
Another bishop said of Francis: "His distaste for the United States and its bishops is obvious and unwarranted. His manner is authoritarian. And it's revealing that not a single seminarian inspired by Francis has come to this diocese during his tenure. A Church under pressure needs better than this."
A third bishop gives Francis credit for supposedly "reforming" the Vatican's finances: "I think his manner of governance is actually quite ruthless. It weakens the authority of the papal office."
"Francis seems to have a coterie around him with an unhelpful ideology …More