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German Priests Practice Intercommunion With Protestants

German Catholic priests take part in the Last Supper and Lutheran pastors receive Holy Communion according to the Lutheran theologian Klaus Eberl, 61. Talking to the German Bishops' (…More
German Catholic priests take part in the Last Supper and Lutheran pastors receive Holy Communion according to the Lutheran theologian Klaus Eberl, 61.
Talking to the German Bishops' (November 17) Eberl notices that this is not legitimated by “agreements”.
It is an open secret that the [heterodox] German bishops have promoted these abuses for decades and are fighting now for an official recognition for what is wrong.
It is a question of time until they will distribute Holy Communion to Moslems and other non-Christians.
Picture: © Antoine Mekary, Aleteia, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsFbufskkylu