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Sick man

Cardinal Tobin Wants Women Cardinals

Modernist Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin doesn’t believe that there’s a "compelling theological reason" why the Pope couldn’t name a woman cardinal. Talking to the New York Times (December 22) Tobin …More
Modernist Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin doesn’t believe that there’s a "compelling theological reason" why the Pope couldn’t name a woman cardinal.
Talking to the New York Times (December 22) Tobin argued that in the 19th century there were lay people who were cardinals. At the same time Tobin conceded that “maybe my theology isn’t sophisticated enough”.
In the past cardinals were at least given the tonsure by which they became clerics. They were either created a cardinal on the condition of being ordained or they lost the cardinalate by getting married.
Picture: Joseph William Tobin © Adsderrick, CC BY-SA, #newsXyfqwpasbc
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Radical Bishop Denies Communion To Kneeling Catholics (Video)

Bishop Celestino Aós, the Apostolic Administrator of Santiago de Chile, denied Holy Communion to several faithful who were kneeling during the Chrism Mass in Santiago Cathedral (April 18) in order to …More
Bishop Celestino Aós, the Apostolic Administrator of Santiago de Chile, denied Holy Communion to several faithful who were kneeling during the Chrism Mass in Santiago Cathedral (April 18) in order to receive the body of Christ.
A video of the Mass was published by the Archdiocese (sequence below).
Aós replaced liberal Santiago Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, 77, in March. Francis had kept Ezzati in place beyond his retirement age but withdrew him capitulating in front of an abuse hoax staged by the oligarch media.